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  1. I'm doing some handstand pushups and am still struggling getting the full range of motion in the exercise. When I do them, I can get about 1/3 to half way down to the floor but not all the way. It seems like I'm going lower with every day I do them but I'm not 100% sure. How important is it for me to get the full range of motion (i.e., getting my head all the way down to the floor) while I'm beginning the exercise? Can doing the partial exercise help me build the strength to go further down?
  2. I posted this one elsewhere (twice now I think.) It's the work out I'm doing now. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler19.htm
  3. I can do the back bridge. Generally, unless it's my arms and shoulders, I'm quite flexible. I can't however remove my hands just yet and only use my head, my neck is not that strong yet. My problem with the tension exercises (the handstand and the bridge) is that I let go before I'm really ready, I know I can push myself more than I am. I'm doing them regularly every other day (by Mike Mahler's recommendation) for about two weeks now. I'm not recording my results yet though. I know I'm at 15 Hindu Pushups and about 60 Hindu Squats. I would have done more today but I've been forgetting to stretch my calves so it's REALLY tight right now. I haven't seen (measured) results yet, but then, I just started. I'm working on them in a particular order so one part of my body doesn't get worn out before it's needed elsewhere. I do them in this order: Handstand Pushup Back Bridge Hindu Pushup Hindu Squat On occasion I try to walk in a back bridge (without touching my head to the ground) and get a couple of steps. Talk about difficult!
  4. You can do either. I've seen them done with one hand, or two, but you gotta be pretty strong to be able to do it with one.
  5. Because I stll hurt 4 days later. Nowhere near as bad as the previous days, but enough to notice. I'm actually considering doing another set today, and seeing if I fare any better.
  6. I overtrained my thighs... Goes to show me not to do a strenous exercise after taking 3 weeks off.
  7. In light of a lack of direction with wieght training, This weekend I started doing the combat conditioning training by Matt Furey. It's a bodyweight routine, so no weights. I did one set of 50 squats and my legs STILL hurt 24 hours later. It makes me realize how out of shape I am and how much I need flexibitlity. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler19.htm I'm still trying to figure out how many times to do these a week and if/how I should combine other the exersizes. God, these things kicked my ass.
  8. Okay, so the freind I had from the other thread has disapeared and now I'm left without proper advice on my workout routine (Plus after his food fiasco I am leary to trust his training advice) Now, I am trying to rebuild my routine so that it makes sense and I get results. This is my routine previously; I start at 5 reps and increase the reps every two weeks until I hit ten. Then scale up the weight and repeat the cycle. Chest/Arms routine exercise/sets/reps/weight Dumbell press /3/5/45 Incline press /3/5/30 Decline press /3/5/30 Curls /3/6/25 Dumbell Flys 3/6/25 Shoulder Routine exercise/sets/reps/pounds Military Press /3/5/30 Lateral Raises /3/5/15 ShrugsDumbell /3/5/45 CalfRaises /3/5/90 Squats /3/5/110 Backarches as long as possible (30+ seconds) No cardio warmups/cooldowns. I only ever did this twice a week usually with two days in between. There are alot of problems with this routine, I realize, so I'd like to find out WHAT is wrong with it and how to get a better one. Specifically, my goals are to lose fat, to gain mass in my shoulders, and do some sport specific training. I've been on a rest period for about two weeks while I've been waiting and trying to come up with a new routine so I'm eager to get back up and running, but I'd rather not train for a little while longer than train badly.
  9. Curiouly, I just found this article online Why eating less can be the key to a long life I've heard of this before, subsisting on a low calorie (1400 or less), high nutrition diet makes you live longer. The concept is old news though, I've heard about it before in a documentary. I'd love to know how to work this into the nutritional/eating habits of a weight lifter.
  10. I don't know if he is a veggie or not. I don't have any evidence of it either way. I'm haven't started doing all of the mahler things myself, but am wokring up to it.
  11. Can you give us some comparative insights? Similarities, differences, advantages, disadvantages.. fitness levels, learning curve for new people etc ? The two taht stand out the most for me are Aikido and capoeira Aikido is the gentle art. More gentle than judo, juijitsu, but still packs a punch. There are few strikes of any kind (in some forms of Aikido there are none at all) and mostly focus on proper movement rather than strength. The whole point is to move from your center of energy so that you expend as little of your own energy as possible. If your energy is strong enough, you can throw without touching a person. (You're not throwing them through the air like telekenises, but you can make them fall. I once saw a demo where my sensei, George Simcox, R.I.P., drop an attacker by bowing at him). Strength is almost a detrement in training becuase if you get used to throwing without leverage, center, or ki if and when you lose that strength you've also lost your aboility to perform the art. It's "maturation" time is far longer than other martial arts and you can expect to gain [black belt] rank at a good school in about 10 to 15 years of study. It's a great compliment to many other martial arts out there. Capoeira is a very interesting sport with a very rich history, and requires the most physical training of all the martial arts I've done. In play there is no contact and is very jovial. There is a great sense of community and the people are very freindly and inclusive. It's often said that capoeira isn't good for self defense but I'll attest that the claim is a load of hogwash. I've seen my maestre get into a fight and knock a guy out (at a party that went sour.) Also, in the 1970 gangs trained in capoeira so heavily that police members had a hard time against them trying to fight back against such well trained combatants. The police eventually had to start training themselves in capoeira to be able to fight back. This martial art is very romanticized for it's flips and acrobatics, which is what necesitates the heavy training. Expect to sweat and expect strong glutes. Train your upper body particularly your whole back, abs, sides, triceps and shoulders. You'll get proficient quickly, and will love playing, but getting higher in the ranks may take some time. Keep playing in the roda (sparring) and you'll do fine. Kendo is very fun and is a sport/ competition art. About the only self defense you'll get out of it is learning to hit people quickly with a stick and a general combat sense (you won't blank out in the fight.) Heavy cardio if done right. A lot of emphasis on proper form. Lighting fast when done right. Tae kwon Do has two versions. The McDojo version (one at every strip mall) and hardcore sport version. If the people practicing have floppy limbs, lose balance easily, look out of shape or breath while doing it, chances are you're in the McDojo (you'd you like fries with your blackbelt?) The harcore version trains you hard. Lot's of emphasis on form and are anything but sloppy. They bounce while sparring and when they kick you can tell they mean it. I used to practice with a Korean grandmaster and afterward some crazy Jamaican guys. (Jamaicans and Morrocans are intense in their martial arts.) You'll learn fast in this sport with a good instructor. 5 years to a black belt on average. Good for self defense after ALOT of practice. Many stunt actors and Wuxia actors are TKD trained. I did Hap Ki Do before TKD. It's alot like aikido with short range kicks thrown in. Where it differs from aikido is that it's anything but gentle on the opponent. You'll see kicks, breaks, pins, strikes, holds, take downs throws and the like. It's been a while since I've done this so I've forgotten much of it. In general, stretch ALOT for any martial art, learn to fall, and beware of white belts, their inexperience makes them more dangerous than black belts. I hope this helped. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  12. As noted by the other thread, I do capoeira. Overall, I've practiced capoeira, kendo, TKD, aikido and hap ki do. All of them serioussly, but none of those to any real degree of proficiency. (I have a bad habit of quitting into the second year)
  13. Back arches (hold for as long as you can. The longest I can do is a minute, the longest I've heard of is 15) handstands(propped until you get the strenth to do it on your own) walking on hands headstands (easy, just get the balance down) kidneystands (lboth nads on the ground, shoulder or head makes a tripod, legs in the air) splits (not crucial, but you'll thank yourself) lots of stretching focus on control when moving, not speed http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler57.htm http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler19.htm And if you're wondering, yes, capoeristas spend alot of time upside down.
  14. I'm at a small gym that doesn't have any machines for leg exercises other than squats, leg extensions, and calf raises. I'm mostly concerned about working out my inner thighs and hamstrings as I want to gain strength as I grow more flexible. We have a full set of dumbbells however, as well as bands, and balls and stair doodads (technical term). As for my abs and back I am mostly concerned with doiing exercises that work my lower abdomen and lower back which seem hard for me to target. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
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