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  1. My intake was the same as when I wasn't pregnant....only slightly more. I was more careful about taking my vitamins and had to take extra iron suppliment. I also drank more water. But I ate what I always ate.
  2. I read the book you are referring to in your quote above. Due to various sports injuries I've been using ginger as a safe anti-inflammatory for over 10 years. It saved me from having to use ibuprofen except on exceptionally bad days. If it wasn't for ginger I would have used OTC anti-inflammatories a lot more and probably would have damaged my system. BW - I started taking a ginger suppliment several months ago for similar reasons as you. I have found that after taking teh capsule, I get terrible acid reflux/heart burn. So much so, that I stopped taking the capsule. Have you been taking teh ginger in supplement form or by diet? Have you had any problems with acid reflux or heart burn? If so, what do you do to stop it? I too want to avoid having taking anti-inflammatories, and at this point, my injuries don't bother me enough to have to take anything. I do have a history of acid reflux, and it has been bothering me a lot lately - spicy foods, wine, or too much fat will trigger the burn. The thing that I find funny is that ginger is suppose to help with digestion issues!
  3. Yup, NH - Londonderry (soon to be Manchester). Originally from Gloucester, but after years of living in NH, I have lost the really hard accent. Now it just comes out occassionally. The place I was thinking of is called Fasika, and I just checked online. It's in Somerville. You should try it out sometime. I am on vacation for a week starting in 6 minutes so I may check it out sometime next week. And "coshtoom"...? Was it Clark Gable or some other oldtime actor that 'sh'ed his 's'? That's the voice I will hear when I read your posts now..........
  4. Hi liftandcode! I'm not too far away from you. I think that the yummy Ethiopian Restaurant that I went to a couple months ago was in Somerville. Are you originally from the area - just wondering so that when I read your posts I can get the accent right!
  5. I could answer love it or hate it equally, so I didn't answer the poll! I love my body because it is healthy. My blood chemistry is excellent (cholesterol, etc), and it allows me to do teh things I want to do (play soccer, hike mountains, pole dance, wt train). And, I like my muscles. I hate it because it has too much fat. I long ago accepted that I will never be a small girl or skinny like a model (not that I want to be). But I definitely want the outside package to match the insides by looking healthy. It doesn't yet, and I am starting to think it never will, but I keep trying
  6. My understanding is that all blood types, especially rare types, are needed. Are you notified if there is a need for your blood type? The whole 'gay people can't donate' thing sucks. It should be based on what you have done, sexual or non-sexual, that may have caused your blood to be infected. Like Sydneyvegan said, promiscuous straight people are allowed to give blood but are just as risky. I knew people in college who donated just to find out if they were clean! Made me sick.... I'm your man - What about the perfectly healthy, fit VEGANS of the world who are involved in accidents and need blood to stay alive? Should they, and their families, just accept death and not take a blood transfusion?
  7. I have been donating since I was 17, about 4 times per year. In college, I donated much more regularly since the Red Cross came to campus pretty frequently and I had more time. About 5 or 6 times I have been refused since my iron was too low. This happened as an omni as well as while vegan. It happened the last time I tried - iron too low, go eat some liver The time before that, though, my iron was high enough to do a double red donation. If you can do that, I recommend it. I felt great after a double red donation. It takes bit longer and you will feel cold when they put the saline (not sure exactly what they give you back for fluids actually) back. Normally after donating, I am worn out for a couple of days. I don't typically alter my exercise routine ( I workout in the morning and donate in the evening) though and I don't notice anything different aside from tiredness. As far as during the donation, 90% of the time I am fine. Occassionally, I will get a little light headed. If you let the tech know they will put your feet up and head down. No biggie, as long as you let them know. (I have seen a few guys pass out over the years while or just after donating.) I get light-headed when I don't eat something before donating or I am not hydrated enough. You should drink lots of fluids and eat something before donating. They tell you not to lift anything heavy for about 5 hours after donating so plan your workouts around that (workout before hand or do lower body only after). I would also recommend donating with your non-dominant arm since you use it less - that works for me. Good luck!
  8. Beer Pasta loaded with margerine and tomato paste (or canned stewed tomatoes or v8 juice) Toast loaded with margerine Peanut butter, chocolate chips and coconut - zapped in the microwave, mixed up and eaten with a spoon My sisters Indian cooking Guacamole with chips
  9. Yeah, we don't have any grunt sentries at my PF. I read some of the other reviews and the PF I go to appears to be different in many other ways as well. We have 4-5 bench presses plus 2 incline bench presses, mirrored walls, 2 squat racks, 3 smith machines, 2 plate load leg presses. I have seen guys put as many 45s on the leg press as it could take too, and there are still plenty left for other people. Lots of room to work out. Of course, there is quite a bit of cardio equipment too. This particular PF wasn't a gym before it's conversion - it was a place called Antics, one of those arcade, laser tag facilities. So the layout was very open. You can see every part of the gym from the front door aside from the locker rooms. Ah well, $10/month is too cheap to let the fact that the lunk alarm may go off bother me. Besides that, I have found the people that work out at this gym to be more considerate. Other gyms in the area that I have gone to, I have noticed that people dominate pieces of equipment for long periods of time, use eq. as a table for their water/ belt/sweatshirt, don't wipe their sweat marks off the equipment, etc far more than at this particular PF. I guess I am lucky.
  10. I go to a Planet Fitness. It's dirt cheap - $10/month. That's the appeal, plus the fact that it is only 8 minutes from my house and central to shopping, etc so I can combine trips out. The whole grunting thing - not a big deal. It's the rules of the gym, and if you don't like the rules, don't go to this gym. Besides, people do grunt, and moan, and curse. It's how loud that matters - if they can't hear you at the front desk, it's not a problem. I have only heard the alarm go off a few times and that was when people dropped the weights. People just laugh. As far as the clientele, it's a huge mixed bag since cheap appeals to lots of people. When I go at 4:30 am, it's the blue collar types or the professionals with commutes into Boston for the most part. There are men and women lifting heavy weights, so the 80 pound dumbells are needed. There are no classes - that's one of the ways they keep the price low. They can have whatever rules they like. If they decide that loud grunting is intimidating to some clients, so be it. There are plenty of gyms out there that you can go to that don't have this rule.
  11. Although I didn't get a pm or email indicating so, I believe the thread was closed because of my comment. After a lot of thought, I realize that my comment was uncalled for and I apologize. I do not wish harm on anyone (physical or mental). I let my emotions post that response without letting reason preview it. As far as locking threads, the mods have to do what they feel is best. If there is a particular person or post that caused the thread to be locked, that person should be notified.
  12. Yeah, I guess I am a bad person too, 'cause I am fat. I think it is safe to say that obesity typically goes hand in hand with ill health. Not always though, as pointed out by WL. I guess I am in the same situation as WLs parents. I rarely go to the doctor - over the last few years my only visits have been due to injuries from playing soccer. Go figure. In any case, I work a full time professional job plus a part time job - I pay for my healthcare through work benefits, not you. I encourage you (potter and josh) to keep telling women "their" fat. I also encourage any women out there being told they're fat by these two to give them a beat down. Please post pictures afterward.....
  13. plc3 wrote: Have you told her your concerns are with her health, not the fact that her overweight or unfit body doesn't go with your fit, hot one? The latter part was meant to be what she may be thinking, not an accusation of your intentions. Like I wrote before , we don't know a whole lot about the the situation. But, from your posts, you have become quite fit over the last year. I am assuming that you two were together before you started your current exercise/diet program? Maybe she could be thinking "I was good enough before when Troy wasn't so fit - why am I not good enough now?" Anyway, that came directly from my past experience and what I thought at the time. Okay, I think I'm with you there partially. I think most people like when other people that they love and trust let them know if there are ways they can improve. That's a bit different than pointing out faults But once you point out a fault/suggest an improvement, lay off! ( ) Let her come to it You didn't really answer this question: Does she say that she wants to lose weight and get healthy? Or is she just reading your books and eating your meals because you want her to? I think it is obvious that they like the style or find it more comfortable or they wouldn't wear the clothing. I don't think that Troy's point was that he shouldn't have to look at fat people in small clothing - it was that they don't realize they are fat. I disagree with this - I think they do realize they are fat, but they either don't care or they value comfort/style more than they care about their bodies being exposed.
  14. Have you told her your concerns are with her health, not the fact that her overweight or unfit body doesn't go with your fit, hot one? It's not a male/female thing, nobody likes their faults pointed out, whether they are physical or personality traits, whether they are absolute truths or personal opinion. Without knowing her history with weight issues (if there are any) it's hard to give advice. She may be content where she is. She may have issues with her weight but something may be holding her back from doing anything about it (besides laziness or lack of motivation). Or she could be lazy. From what you have written, it looks like you have done everything you can to be helpful and supportive. Maybe now you need to step back and let her come to it on her own.
  15. #3 Yeah, a women who is over-weight most likely knows it, and she will probably resent you pointing it out to her. I guess it depends on what your relationship with this women is. A girlfriend? Maybe you can suggest physical activities that you can do together that are fun - not just working out. And cook for her - make a yummy meal so she will see how healthy food can be delicious too. But do it without saying 'I am doing this because you are fat and need to lose weight'! That would definitely hurt her feelings (it would mine). Another approach that is a bit more direct: sit her down and tell her everything that you love about her. Then tell her that her un-fitness/extra weight concern you, that you worry about her health, that you want her to be the best that she can be. If I needed that kind of wake-up call, this would probably work for me. It would hurt my feelings too, but if I felt you were sincere, I would take it to heart. I don't know how you would approach a women that you aren't as physically and/or emotionally close to as a girlfriend/wife, mom, or sister. I wouldn't react well to a coworker or someone I am not so close to making any remark about my weight, especially a guy. It would make me very uncomfortable and piss me off. #2 As far as the "smoking vs eating badly around you" issue goes, it is perfectly okay to ask someone to not smoke around you since that can affect your health. Someone eating a burger next to you doesn't affect your health - it affects theirs. If you need to speak up, do so because of the ethical reasons, not health reasons.
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