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  1. My body/kidneys are not flushing out the potassium I'm eating, thus increasing the amount that's in my body.
  2. My doc just told me to cut down on my potassium intake due to some recent blood work I had done. He told me to just "cut out the potatoes and bananas" and I'd be ok. Fine. But then I hit the internet to find out what else is high in potassium and it's EVERYTHING I EAT (whole grain bread, nuts and nut butters, lentils, broccoli, black beans, avocados, a laundry list of fruits, f-ing spinach!, the list just goes on). Any other vegans on here that watch their potassium intake that might be able to share your diet with me? I know this is a shot in the dark, but I'm hoping there's someone out there. The 'low potassium' list of food is basically this: (I got it off a website - obviously the meat/dairy stuff doesn't apply, but I left it on anyway.) This is the 'high potassium' basic list: Seriously? I have to go back to white bread and rice after swearing it off years ago? Can anyone offer experiential advice?
  3. How sad. All these replies are making me realize how infantile my original post must sound. I'm still new to all this. And still coming to terms with the world at large, I suppose.
  4. True, but I didn't have anyone providing me with information. For the record, I'm not lecturing or bitching at anyone in my life. In their presence, I'm not condemning their choices. I've been tactful about how and when I reveal anything I've learned.... the facts that got me to reconsider my own lifestyle. Such selfishness abounds. But we all have our vices.
  5. oh man, that's depressing. But helpful, actually. I can work on being more 'positive' and setting a better example in days to come, but this I can implement right now.
  6. Wow. You're right. So right. I am, i guess obviously, a new vegan. It's hard not to feel ed with the state of things, but I'm going to keep this post and advice in mind. Thanks!
  7. I'm constantly furious too..... but isn't that a horrible way to live? I mean, there's really no alternative, I realize.... Nevermind. There's no solution to this. We're all selfish about something. I just need to befriend more vegans.
  8. I say this with great trepidation on a Vegan site.... But I almost wish I had never started my journey into all this. I wish I didn't know, and still didn't care. Since becoming a vegan...... all I think about is animal cruelty. I can't look at the people around me the same way.... I'm perplexed as to how this hasn't caused an international anger. How can my family and best friends in the world be so...... well, heartless? I've provided insight and information in the most positive ways I know how, but they don't care. I can't look at a stack of pancakes without getting sad, I can't go near the meat aisle at the grocery without getting nauseous. And I've begun avoiding certain food based social situations, just because I don't feel like dealing with these feelings. Watching everyone eat such grossness. Maybe I'm just going through a stage, and it'll pass. I'm going on a trip to a cabin with a few of my best friends next weekend, and I'm dreading it. Simply because I don't want to deal with explaining myself, or watching them not care and eat their ignorance. On the plus side, I started a local vegan monthly meet-up group, so at least there's that! But I don't want to give up my current friends. I just want to stop judging and caring about what's on their plates. Animal cruelty seems to be on my mind 24/7. I wish it wasn't.
  9. That seems doable, I think. I've heard eating small meals is better for you. This is really exciting, I feel like a whole new world of nutrition and health are being opened up to me! (I just realized how cheesy that sounds..... good thing this is the internet!)
  10. Well, it's not progress yet! Right now it's just a plan..... I've not been happy with my weight for some time, and I would like to lose about 15 pounds. I know this is a bodybuilding site, but I'm not sure about 'training', although I know lifting weights is supposed to help expediate weight loss. I'm not sure I would be able to keep it up long term. I've never really tried to lose weight on purpose before, so I'm not sure what I should be taking in, calorie wise. I've heard 1200-1500. But I think I'd be really hungry eating only 1200 calories a day. For reference, I am 26, I am 5'6 tall, and I weigh just under 140. I just joined a gym, and they have lots of classes there, I might try those. They have weight lifting classes too, perhaps that would be a good place to start? If not, how long should I stay in the weight room? An hour? Thanks for any advice or suggestions.
  11. Not sure if anyone has posted this yet...... I'm disappointed in Obama's pick for Secretary of Agriculture. http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/642/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1783 This is from a blog I was directed to, the Haphazard Gourmet Girls (http://haphazardgourmet.blogspot.com/2008/11/tom-vilsack-emerges-as-frontrunner-for.html): Vilsack's reign as governor of Iowa makes him a very disturbing choice, and his selection is certain to cause all kinds of food fights. He's historically been a major supporter of pharmaceutical corn and genetically engineered corn and soy beans, particularly for use as biofuels (a problem for global hunger, and a problem for the environment). According to The Organic Consumer's Association, which is lobbying against Vilsack, while he was helming Iowa, Vilsack was named Governor of the Year by Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), the biggest pro-genetic engineering lobby in existence, because he'd championed local transgenic r&d corporations like Trans Ova, which clones cows. Vilsack was also the founder and former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership. So: Vilsack's apparently The Mouthpiece of Monsanto, the Fiddler for the Frankenfood Fiefdom. But it gets worse. Vilsack is also the Satan of the Seedsavers. He's lobbied hard to get seed pre-emption bills into state legislative bodies, beginning in 2005. These bills seek to control the use of seeds on the state level, and thus deny local communities (and small farmers, and even backyard farmers) the power to establish their own regulations for protection from genetically engineered seeds. If seed pre-emption bills become law, citizens will not be able to regulate where genetically engineered crops are grown, the creation of GE buffer zones, or the banning of pharmaceutical crops, among other things. The use of seeds becomes entirely regulated by government, and opens the door to human and plant exposure to every adverse effect of genetically engineered crops. --And simultaneously ruins biodiversity, because once transgenic seeds prevail, there's no going back. Seed pre-emption bills have been introduced in sixteen states, and the battle is ongoing. But Vilsack has been one of the chief architects of looming biodiversity disaster, and there's no reason to believe he'd halt his love affair with genetic engineering and Big Ag just because he's working for Obama. Or that he'd suddenly realize that biofuels made of corn and soy are causing starvation around the globe. Thought I'd share!
  12. Obama and Michael Phelps, to be sure. Can you imagine the impact that would have? Beyonce is a good thought too..... I'm not particularly a fan, but she's freakin' huge. People like her, in the mainstream, with a passionate following.
  13. ticktock


    Yeah, Robert mentioned Vega to me on another thread. It looks great. Question: is the "Whole Food Health Optimizer" a protein powder like the ones I would find at the store? Or is it more of a meal replacement kind of thing? Would I need an additional protein powder to supplement?
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