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  1. I believe burdening the digestive system can cause physical aging. If it were not for that one simple fact I would be shoving my face all day. It is impossible for me to do energy work properly with a stuffed belly. Fasting and cleansing is absolutely necessary in the poisonous city environment as well. It seems to be a constant chore staying clean on the outside and even eating very healthy and mostly raw vegan foods is not enough to keep the body running perfect. I wish I could have a super food that is a balance of proteins fat and carbs and various other minerals and enzymes etc without any burden on the digestive system. That is why liquids work so well with the human body. Liquifying a food does a lot of the work for you since food must be liquified ultimately before it is to be broken down into small enough bits (to put it bluntly) for the energy to chemically convert and store itself in your cells. There is no freebie in this world. Everything comes with its price. Too many things come with the price of shortened life and ugly aging with aches and pains and deterioration. If you look into people who avoid that they tend to be monks, yogis, masters, calorie restricted, clean living, no stress. None of them pound the weights and eat all day and night stuffing cells full to the brim and pushing the most out of their physical structure. I am 5'10" 150 and my body likes this weight. I was 3% BF when body building with a mostly vegetarian diet and taking a lot of supplements and I managed to blow up every muscle and put on 25 pounds of solid lean mass! I was ripped and more jacked then ever but I was shoving my face. As soon as I clean up my digestive system and balance my body I tighten up, shrink down, lose all the excess water and crap and turn into a glowing, tight and ripped person. I love both. I love lifting. I want to be jacked but I can't sacrifice my glow. I just stopped looking at the scale and stopped trying to compete and gain large mass because mass comes with calories and calories comes from a lot of fooooood. Even great training techniques don't change the fact that you are filtering more physical matter through the body then is actually necessary. Only downfall, only thing that matters for spirit and only thing that matters for mass. Tough one.
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