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  1. Sounds like millennium is the way to go then. I have a feeling this is going to be a week of eating. We're in the same town, nearly, by the way. I'm at rutgers in new brunswick. thanks for the help.
  2. I'm going to San Francisco mid-March, besides the main attractions (golden gate, etc) what shouldn't be missed? Looking for the best vegan restaurants, good hiking/outdoors, great photos, etc. I'll be using public transportation, but am happy to travel an hour on the rail to get to a great spot. Thanks.
  3. i agree, kind of. a little too narrow, but since there are still a bunch of people on 1024/768, i'd go with 900, or so. i dont intend to be a nay-sayer -- the new site is nice -- but if easy updating and a modern look is the goal, i really would have gone the wordpress direction.
  4. well im at least as tan, but her chest is probably still larger.
  5. p.s., ed, you're the only one i'll save if drowning, now.
  6. thanks, ed. i always knew you were the only one who cared about me. why mom, why did you always neglect me????
  7. eh dear fellow forum users, although many of you probably assumed i fell off a cliff and died on impact, i'm actually alive. sort of. i'm on the mufuckin' beach patrol so i never go on the internets or to the gym cause i don't have time, and i work out in the morning. i'm kind of sad i havent touched a weight in a month, but at least i work out 5 days a week on the beach. i've probably lost a couple pounds, which sucks too, cause i want that shit back. anyway, i might be around once a week or so. probably not. otherwise, hang in there, i know my existence is an integral part to a functioning world, but it'll be ok in the end. your pal, pharmakon
  8. what section of the store did you find those in? all of the bars are located together near the pharmacy section, weight loss, etc. you won't find them with the food stuff. i've run into one or two targets that dont stock them, if the first doesnt have them im sure the next will.
  9. it's obvious they make miniature condoms and force rabbits to have sex. i've never actually heard of this, but i'm sure you're right, there's never any shortage of tests they will inflict in the name of "science." all i know is that most condoms are not vegan cause they have milk derivatives in them to make them stretchy. dependence on animals is so central to our lifestyles it's hard to get away from this shit, sadly.
  10. because if you drink seawater, jellyfish might grow inside of you, and then sting your intestinal tract.
  11. i just started buying it. it's pretty good, i eat it with peanut sauce. amaranth too.
  12. shitty chinese restaurants are awful with that. that's happened a bunch of times. my girlfriend has a worse problem, though. we'll order some kind of vegan crap and it'll end up tasting like meat so she'll get worried it's real (even though it's almost definitely not).
  13. i think you would need to pose, not sleep. you'll need to take some decent before and after photos, and then try to get some feedback. regardless, i wouldnt expect any great results in less than a few months.
  14. wannalift -- what is the ideal amount of protein per meal? i often eat much more per meal than i can digest, i think.
  15. I'll second wrestling. I've both wrestled and swam in the past, each are great workouts. Swimming promotes general fitness, wrestling is more intense. Leaving swim practice, you'll feel exhausted -- sore triceps, lats, shoulders, abs, legs. Leaving wrestling you'll feel like you just got your ass kicked. because you probably did. live wrestling will target more neglected muscles like your neck, forearms and grip, back, etc. I might start club wrestling again next year because it's such a great workout, but you should just ask yourself exactly what you're looking to gain and achieve.
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