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Vegan bodybuilding while traveling?


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I've currently been traveling around for 7 months. Before I left I had a good vegan bb workout routine and diet and was in great shape. I immediately lost all the weight i gained and because I'm constantly on the move it's hard to maintain the vegan diet and especially a workout routine (no weights).


I've improvised with bodyweight workouts, mainly consisting of inverted pushups variations, door pullups, crunches, chair dips and handstand pushups. Soon I'm getting some resistance bands, I'm hoping having these in my bag will allow me more exercises. I'm naturally skinny so vegan BB keeps me looking athletic not skinny. I just feel out of shape and scrawny now. Even with a good workout its hard to supplement it with a good meal since I'm often in some country where vegan food is uncommon.


Any recommendations? Other bodyweight/resistance-band workouts? diet?


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I find the hardest vegan food to find while out and about is a decent protein source. I would recommend using a protein powder, take one around with you wherever you go. I generally have 2-5 serves of mine a day, and I find it really helps me gain and maintain lean mass

Safe travels!

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