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Hi There- considering vegetarianism


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Well, I'm not a vegan, and I am not really considering becoming one. I am wondering about becoming a vegetarian.


I'm 19, 6'3'', have been weightlifting since this August, and have gone from 170# @ 12% BF to 180# @ 10% BF.


I recently tried Hemp protein powder and decided that it was everything that I wanted: fiber, protein, EFAs, perfectly mixing, delicious, and fresh-feeling, I am considering becoming an ovolactovegetarian.


What would you say to someone sitting on the fence?


I also had a couple of questions- what do you think of spirulina? What do you think of kemp?

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Welcome to our forum!


Feel free to explore around the forum and you'll see a lot of reasons supporting a vegan lifestyle. I think hemp is great, spirulina is great and lots of chlorophyll rich, alkaline forming foods are awesome.


Check out bodybuilding and nutrition sections to get an idea of what we're eating and why.


All the best and welcome aboard!

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Welcome to the board. Congratulations on your decision to become a vegetarian. I would encourage you to follow through on that.


One warning I would give you is to look at the source of nutrition information you get. A lot of product marketing is BS. Many people without expertise in plant based nutrition, including doctors write books and articles. Many people who don't know anything at all speak authoritatively on the web. Look at where they get their information from. Beware of raw foodists, their beliefs contradict a lot of medical science.


I prepared a sticky to help people new to plant based diets find reliable information from reliable sources:




Here is another sticky I prepared about getting adequate calcium and avoiding osteoporosis



Both of these stickies point to works by vegan Registered Dieticians with excellent credentials.

You will be off to a good start if you read both stickies.


Good Luck

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Welcome and may I say hemp = love. It is definitely a mainstay of my diet. I really liked spirulina when I first started eating it. Although after awhile I found it hard to choke down by itself. If you do decide to make it a staple, either mix it with flax or a fruit that is tart. Those seem to drastically change the overall taste. Also don't prepare it with water ahead of time and let it sit. The spirulina will start to give off a sulfur smell. Also there are capsulated version of the spirulina that helps it go down, but make sure it's veggie caps. The problem I have with that is you end up popping a ton of them to get the grams you need.

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hi and welcome to the forum.

i'd say don't hesitate and go veg! veganism may seem "extreme" to the majority of people but what the majority believes and does is not always right & ethical. search internet for veganism, watch some animal-right videos and you'll find plenty of reasons to jump to the other side of the fence.

i'm also having hemp protein powder twice a day with juice or soy milk and is great! it's a great source of complete and "live" protein appropriate for your body. i've found this report here http://www.proteinbreakthrough.com/ promoting hemp protein which seems frankly enough.


take care

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  • 2 weeks later...
babysteps it is...




Welcome! Also I <3 spirulina more than anyone I know, I practically live off the stuff and it does wonders for me and is also my main protein source. As for your diet, give it a shot, the more unprocessed whole plant based foods you put into your diet, specifically green foods, the better

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Welcome! I hope you will see the importance your health, the environment and the animals wellfare. Welcome here and I hope you will learn all you need to learn to make the transition. Feel free to ask as many questions or if we can help let us know.



- Javier

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  • 2 weeks later...

i absolutely LOVE hemp.




Yo, welcome to the forum. I think your motivation / goal should determine whether you become vegetarian or vegan or whatever else. What's your motivation for the change, what do you want to get from it?


yeah, what he said...


but i will say if not for animals, do it for yourself. meat and dairy are pretty bad for you, dude. any reduction in the number of animal products you eat/use is a VERY good thing, whatever you call yourself. me, i do it out of self preservation and also compassion for animals.

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