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Hello! I have been vegetarian for 6 years. I'm not quite vegan but I hope to be in the future. I am lactose intolerant so I am most of the way there. I feel that I need some more knowledge about my health before leaping all the way. I don't like eggs so I feel that I am at an advantage.


I have an ideal BMI, but I still have the "last ten" to "lose." I would like to start building more muscle to be stronger and healthier. Also who doesn't want to be able to wear their shorts in summer time? Lol.


I've been working on my health for about 8 years now and I feel that it's time to make the next step and really incorporate more fitness. I used to weight about 160 or so (at some point i stopped weighing) I am 5' with a small frame. Now I'm at about 127.


Lately I have been doing the plank 30 day challenge to get to 5 mins. I am at the 3.5 min mark but could probably strain to do 3 minutes. I've been having to take breaks since there isn't a lot of "rest" days in this challenge. By breaks I mean - can't do a full 3.5 mins. 3 days ago I did 3 with no problem. I'm hopin to get to five and I'm finding that challenging myself has been very helpful. I'm on my last week of this one and hope to move to squats or something next.


Thanks and I'm glad to be here!! I want to learn and be more and more healthy, strong and fit.

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Great to have you here, this forum is such a fantastic resource and plenty of people willing to help you as you progress towards your goals.

Well done with the weight drop, that's a lot to lose on someone your size. How do you feel now compared to when you weighed 160?

Maybe you could consider starting up a training journal? All the best MF.

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Thank you! I feel great. I had gained it really fast and lost it pretty fast when I started dropping a lot of junk food and processed food. I still find myself struggling to say no to some nutrition less foods though. I'd love to go raw. I used to have severe backpain and cramps. It was terrible. Now I have some aches but they are not nearly as bad.


I think a training journal would be great to keep track of successes! I used to have them when I first started my journey. Back when I wasn't too aware of the benefits of being vegetarian. It's helped me to see how far I've come in learning - I knew so little about health back then.


I love trying new food combinations now to see what this lifestyle can do. At first it felt limiting but I really believe that it opened up my world to new foods that I would have never tried before.

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