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I want to know where to start off, i want to lose some weight and gain some muscle, but i don't want to be to muscular. Also if i want to lose some weight will exercises that build muscle make me shed some pounds or build the muscle over the fat. Thanks

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Are you male or female? Can make a big difference. Females aren't likely to get "too muscular". Even for males, it takes a lot of hard work, very specific work too.


If you are brand new to training, a good place to start is a full body weight training program twice per week. If fat loss is your primary goal, throw in 20-30 minutes of cardio training 2-3 days per week as well.


Lifting weights does build muscle, but that muscle burns more calories and helps you become leaner in the long run.


Let us know a little more about yourself, height, weight, goals, gender and I'm sure some of our personal trainer types here will offer better detailed advice than I can.

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I'm male, 17, 5'7, about 170, yes im new to training, mostly want to lose weight but put some muscle on will be nice, and im vegan, hmm not sure what else i should put.


My recommendation for someone new to training would be to start slow, using light weights, not over doing it, and focusing on form. A good place to start is exercising with weights that you can do about 10-12 repetitions with, not working out to failure but so you definitely feel the resistance of the weight. A full body workout 2-3 days a week is best to initiate with. Also keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, so since you are just starting it might be wise to educate yourself on some basic fitness principals and or take a few training sessions with a personal trainer. This is useful because they can fine tune a workout routine to your specific strengths, weaknesses, and potential vulnerabilities. Lastly, if your goal is to shed fat, the solution is easier than most would imagine, alter your diet. To lean up, reduce fat intake and overall daily caloric values. I would say fat loss is 80 percent diet and 20 percent working out. I hope this helps.

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