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Types of Muscle?


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You probably mean 'fast-twitch' and 'slow-twitch' muscle fibers (it's the fibers that are so, not the entire muscle). There are also, I believe, some intermediary types.


Fast twitch fibers allow for quick contractions and are good for creating fast power (like for lifting heavy weights, or doing plyometric jumps). Sprinters have a preponderance of fast-twitch muscle fibers in their legs.


Slow twitch fibers are endurance-type fibers. Long-distance runners have a preponderance of slow-twitch muscle fibers in their legs.


Some say that muscle fibers can change types, due to training, others say that the intermediary muscle fibers types can become one or the other (but perhaps not slow twitch changing to fast twitch or vice versa).


If you do a web search using the terms "fast-twitch muscle" or "slow-twitch muscle" or both "fast-twitch slow-twitch muscle," I'll be you can find more info online about it.

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This is what I found at a Histology web-site:


Skeletal muscle fibers can be classified as red fibers, white fibers or intermediate fibers. Red fibers are smaller in diameter; white fibers are larger in diameter. Red fibers have more mitochondria than white fibers. Red fibers make up slow-twitch muscle; white fibers make up fast-twitch muscle. Red fibers are more resistant to fatigue than are white fibers. Red fibers have more myoglobin (oxygen binding pigment) than white fibers. White fibers store glycogen and use anaerobic metabolism.

Red fiber and slow twitch muscle is for endurance.

White fiber and fast twitch muscle is for a burst of power.


Mitochondria is the little organelles in your cells that produce the energy for the cells/tissue/organism (powerhouse organelle it is usually called). Myoglobin is like hemoglobin except that myo means muscle and hemo means blood, they both carry oxygen to where it is needed. Glycogen is the stored energy for your body, and anaerobic metabolism means metabolism without oxygen yielding lactic acid (as oppose to aerobic metabolism that means oxygen using metabolism producing carbon dioxide).

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Kathryin, that's exactly what i was looking for, thanks.. just couldn't remember the name of these types..


by the way.. i think i have the ''slow twich'' muscle, cuz i'm terrible with quick and short running, i can do better when i run long distances in a moderated velocity..

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Another thing off of that...a lot of speed athletes take advantage of their speed and move up in distance to race people that have always raced long distance...they have a great advantage since the distance athletes tend to have little speed and speed athletes rarely have much trouble moving up one or two levels in distance in a given sport...it just takes a bit of time...it never happens the other direction

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