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Cutting the calories...

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Right now I just finished a period of "Bulking up", and put on about 10 pounds in about the past 7 weeks. I just started to cut my calories today, and jogged (at a pretty strenuous pace) 2 miles. I'm only around 1,800 calories for the day, and I'm pretty much done eating, but I was wondering what a good range to stick to is? At the time of this writing I'm 175 pounds (post-bulking), and today I managed to get about...120 grams of protein, I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good number to try to aim for each day?



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How strict do you want to be??? If you know your fat free mass and your body type, meso, endo or ecto then I can give you an indication of the exact amount of macronutrients that you will require for an active individual. (Arnie swore by a diet made up of 50% carbs, 20% pro and 30% fat right up to competition).






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