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Soy Protein

Guest xDerekx

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Ive heard that too much soy protein is bad for you. And it seems like thats all that I eat. What are some foods/recipies that have a lot of protein and no soy?

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Peanut butter! Also any kind of beans, I eat them with rice just because I like it that way. Eat oats too. This is a short reply but there is a lot of variety to be found with these foods. Others will certainly have better responses, but this can get you thinking about protein other than soy.

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Vega (free of soy and whey, etc)., hemp portien, pea protein, brown rice protein, beans, lentils, NUts and SEEDS, and all vegetables have some protein in it. For example, if you look at artichokes and okra, the proetin to carb ratio is pretty ideal.


Robert gets pretty big and he has no problem getting enough protein. Here is one of my favourite pics of him. Maybe he can chime in on this thread as well. We have a few bodybuilding big guys here, so you can get big and bodybuild on a vegan diet. Will Peavy has a good before and after pic somewhere here too, and is thinking about getting into competitive bodybuilding. Anyway, here is that pic I promised of Rob.



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