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exercise without a routine?

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has anyone tried working out without a set routine or schedule setup? .... i remember back in the day when i was hardcore about the gym, it was almost a religion. i'd set a time to go, what to do, how long, etc... but right now, i'm just doing whatever comes to my head whenever i kind of feel like i'm not expecting to get big or ripped with this mindset, but it's so much easier to go downstairs and actually workout now. my back kinda blew out a while back, and sadly it's not 100% yet. having a physical roadblock isn't fun, but knowing that i don't have to reach a certain number of sets and reps or work until total physical exhaustion actually helps me mentally


i've been reading and watching videos on zen for a while now, and it's really helped clear the mind when it comes to goals such as working out. one point of zen is not procrastinating, so if i'm on the pc and i think "maybe i should get on that ab wheel" i try not to say "maybe later" i tend to get up, and start doing it (at least i try my best to). this is actually a little test for my too, because i have the roughest time working out a home, with all the distractions and stuff, so if a thought comes to mind i should workout, i go do it, and so far i gatta say it's working.


aaaaaaaaanyways i hope you guys understand that, sometimes i tend to ramble and my shit don't make sense lol

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Nothing in my life is routine at the moment lol.

I workout typically 5 days a week with my push/pull routine. I do most of my workout at home, but I'm getting strong so much faster than expected and now my weights are too light.

I usually go to the gym with my bf but lately he's addicted to playing Scarface and we haven't gone. I need to push him more or by time summertime comes he won't wanna go to the beach with me! O.o

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When I first joined the forum, my first thread was about something I called the "Anti-Routine Routine." The way I did it was to make three days a week some sort of upper body activity and three days a lower body activity. The exercises, reps etc. changed every workout. It can be a nice change-up and a way to try some exercises that normally wouldn't fit into a normal routine.



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I've never tried it but it can definitely work. I've got a bunch of friends that gave up on organized sports but get out and play basketball, soccer or tennis on a whim but make sure they do something regularly. I think it makes you more coordinated too. I used to have great coordination but since I picked up cycling I've lost most of my coordination.

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Yeah I try and keep my training random most of the time. Like you pointed out from zen you can just do it now. I throw in climbing walls and jumps to mix it up. Basically make any physical activity part of your training. You look like a weirdo but it pays off trust me. If you read into anymore zen and you will find more in this style of training to help you better understand zen.

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