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okay so since I am researching religions and spiritual paths for the sake of my own wisdom...


I totally came across Taoism. I did a report on Taoism back when I was in grade school. to this day I totally forgot all about it, but I just researched it again and taoism is totally cool.






I was raised strict Catholic in a meat-eating family but never had a choice in the matter. I received my sacrament of communion. and also confirmation (I chose st francis cause he cared for animals, and I got a cool middlename, so this is one of the main reasons I sometimes used Francis as a middlename). now I find myself not to believe in any set religion, especially organized religion. I do not believe in christianity or catholicism or any others like that. nor any traditions or holidays. I still celebrate birthdays with cards and gifts and stuff to keep my family happy. but I find myself gravitating towards good morals and ethics.

I kinda of am looking for a spiritual lifestyle to associate myself with cause I think it will help keep me on the right path and better myself. for 2 yrs ive been vegan and straight edge and I will continue to be. but just cause i dont harm animals or abuse my own body still doesnt mean im not an asshole at times or do some immoral stuff. and Id like to fix that. id like to continue bettering myself.


but yeh if you read the beleifs and practices listed on that website, i pretty much agree with them all. I relate a lot to Taoism.


Ive always been fascinated with other cultures and languages. and I'd like to, in time, identify myself with this one.


are there any Taoists here? if so how did you go and what kind of things have you learned along the way? where can i research some more on taoism??

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Your first step obviously, would bet o read the Tao Te Ching.



I love the Tao Te Ching. I carry it with me always. I especially like the Stephen Mitchell version. Two other books you may consider: The Tao of Pooh & the I Ching.


What I like most about Taoism is it's philosophy that man cannot extract himself from nature & live in harmony. What we do to one, we do to all.


I look forward to hearing about your discovery of the Tao.






ps - Thanks for that tidbit about St. Francis - I didn't know that.

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