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another question! whew I am full of questions sometimes. Is "emer'gen-c" powedered vitamin fizzy drink thingie vegan? i see it has b-12. doesn't b-12 ONLY come from animal sources? I thought I read otherwise, but I saw a thing that said it was only found in animal sources. how do I know if the b-12 in this is vegan or not? hmmmm. confusing!

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The form of b-12 humans need is actually a bacteria, cyanocobalamin. In whole foods it is primarily found in animal sources (I believe nutritional yeast is an exception? Is that cyanocobalamin or an analogue?)

Anyway - It can be supplemented from non-animal sources. I don't know if that particular drink is vegan, but it doesn't have to NOT be vegan just because of the b12. If that helps

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  • 2 months later...

I know there's only one EmergenC that isn't vegan and it's the Calcium. It has animal-derived Vitamin D...I think it was the VitD; but anyway, when I contacted Alcer they told me the calcium one was not vegan but that the others are. Unless anyone knows if they've changed it recently.

I contacted them about a year ago.

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