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Damn Phil, those lats are HUGE! Nice overall mass, but the lats are really massive! I wish mine were anywhere near that big...


thank you! i still think the lats are my best part although that ing fat that sticks around my midsection is always freakin' annoying me cause it fucks up the whole picture.


Sweet tatoo on the left arm too


it's the right arm. but thanks!


still skinny, still fat, still no muscles.


Skinny??? Looks good to me so far.




Phil, your shoulders are huge!

You're in great shape. Your back is perfect, skinny waist wide lats!


thanks man!

my shoulders are not really huge but i'm somewhat satisfied with how they finally started growing when i started with the military press.

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Ok, not much muscles yet and still too fat, but I am only working out for 3 weeks and I hope that this time I can keep the discipline to work out as much as I can. Anyway, I could improve chest and triceps a little bit already.

Edited by nobbi
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this is me yesterday (when I took photos of my calves) I plan on starting to eat clean again on Monday (hopefully in preparation for a fitness model comp in March) and uping my cardio. I will do it indoors until around late Jan. an then I plan on including some sprinting to increase the burn. gotta love the messed up shoulder, see how uneven they are? it's due to swelling, mostly.



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i wanna see more pics in here!


Post some


As usual not pumped but whatever.



Ladies and Gentlemen, Bruce Lee lives!!!! That IF and diet arer working for you.




Awesome, Johan! I hope my body fat gets somewhere near yours from IF.


Here is me this morning. Serratus is coming out a bit more and I almost have a "five pack." The bottom ab bump on my right side is starting to come out, haha. Stupid left one is being shy.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Me representing at the gym




Ah, the good old taking photos via mirror. How very myspace of me.


And sorry for the way too big pics

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