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Recommendation for Soy Protein?

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I HATED protein powder when I started using it for the first time. But stick at it and you get used to it.

I remember detesting even Sunwarrior with water... Now I absolutely LOOOVE it! Definitely my favorite.

Just keep your expectations low - protein powder (especially plant protein with water only) is NEVER going to taste as good as a shake. They also tend to be a bit dusty/earthy feeling.

Maybe try adding a little extra cocoa, stevia or other natural flavoring to it to improve the taste. I've read that mesquite has a caramel-like flavor and is also high in protein (but I've never tried it.)

1 teaspoon of stevia is how I initially got used my Sunwarrior, but now I don't even need it

Good luck on your search!

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To be honest just now I'm just using up some plain Pea Protein I've got. I hate the taste but just get on with it.


Mixing pea with brown rice is the best way to go about it. I'm currently using a 65/35 split and it's actually not terrible - I prefer it to the soy powder I was using beforehand.


Other than using Vega, which I've found to be the best pre-mixed powder on the market, I'd recommend checking out ordering a comparable split from either MyProtein or TrueProtein - both of which are vegan friendly and pretty good when you're strapped for cash.


If someone's really set on soy, though, both of those sites carry it. I just find the texture and taste to be rather bland and I already get a decent amount of soy protein eating TVP and drinking soy milk.

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