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MSG in Soy protien


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I just recently learned that MSG is hard to avoid. It is in a lot of products but not listed in the ingredients. Most significantly I found that it is found in most sources of soy protien and rarely listed on packaging.

If anyone has any additional information please add it to this post. All I would suggest is that if you intake large amount of soy protien from packaged goods, pre made meals or protien shake powders do some further research.



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Co is a long-time friend of mine, over 20 years now and we were talking on the phone yesterday. He was saying he heard that companies are not required to list msg even if it is used, or something like that.


Anyone know anymore about this? Hey Co, if I'm off on that, let me know but I think that is what you were saying, that they are not required to list it and it could be in some boxed or packaged soy foods.


Oh...and welcome back Co

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It's not listed in the stuff I use.


I was using one that my mom had given to me and when I finally looked at the ingredient list, I saw "Partially hydrogenated " and I threw it in the trash. I mean, why do they have to ruin everything???!!! UGH.


If companies don't have to list it, then why would some of them do it?


~ Adrienne

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