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Protein Absorbtion

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Hi, I scanned over other thread subject lines here and didn't seem to find one which talks about the speed of protein absorption.


I know many non-vegans who take whey protein also use soy or pea. But they do not use them around a workout because of the slow absorption rate, which is why they've got the whey.


Now, as I don't want to use whey of course, how does anyone else maximize protein absorption around workout time? That's when I want to get my biggest shot of protein. Are there any other foods or supplements?


On another note, I know Soy Protein Isolate is absorbed slowly, but how slowly? I haven't been able to come across a timeframe in which is does it's stuff in my body.


Anyway thanks for any input!


- Matt

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Awesome question!! I would love to know this too! I work in the supplements department of a health food store and am occasionally asked stuff like this, but I have no answers yet. I get told, even by fellow staff, that "only whey helps you bulk up", "it helps you burn fat around thighs", and other such rumors. I say rumors because no one has any study or quote to link me, where as I have VBB site & book, the Thrive books, Vega sport booklet, the new Vegan Health and Fitness magazine, Nutritionfacts.org, etc.

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