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Vegan/Vegeterian for 4 years, but I have to drop weight.


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I've been a vegetarian with a vegan diet for the last 4 years. And before my first married I was a vegetarian for 10 years before that. In the last 4 years I've lost over 100 lbs but now I need to drop another 25lbs for a tv series we are shooting. I train in martial arts two hours a day 3 times a week. I teach and train in Parkour related actives 2 or more hours a day 3 times a week.


Most of the friends and training partners were shocked when the producer said I need to lose weight but I actually don't disagree. My issue is in addition to everything else I do I also run several times a week. My distance will start to go back up soon as I'm getting ready for the Dallas Marathon, but I'm trying to figure out a way of avoiding excess carbs and keep my midsection as trim as possible.


We finished our episode for this season already, but we start shooting seriously in 2014. Any suggestions on carbs that will fuel my run with out contributing to fat in the midsection. In addition for my role I need to add abit more mass but I can't add to much weight as it will effect my running, parkour and martial arts.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


BTW I say vegan diet and not vegan because I have some pretty anal acquaintance that get pretty irate when they see vegans or even vegetarians in what appears to be leather or suede shoes and belts.

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What is the TV series like? Is it a martial arts themed show?


What about getting most of your carbs from fruits and vegetables? Also you just need to look thinner not actually weigh less right, maybe less bloating foods, did you see the article from Vega on getting rid of the bloating causing foods? I think I posted it in the forum here a couple weeks ago. Let me know if you cant find it.



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