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I am 2 weeks old vegan.


Having said that I have been a vegetarian during most of my childhood and teen years. I have been a regular meat eater since college days. And over the last two years I ate paleo.


I became vegan primarily because of speciesism and I am glad I could see the core issue sooner than later.


So now, as far as I am concerned, I do not want to support indirectly or directly killing or cruel treatment of animals for food as long as I have other foods around me. And I am pretty confident other foods being around me for a long time to come.


This also means that I am least interested in debating about health advantages and disadvantages of eating vegan (or in other ways). I simply do not care whether I live to 60 or 70 or 80; whether I am ripped or have a six pack or look big. I will just try and make the best of what is available.


I lift heavy; run or hike occasionally; play tennis. My lifting philosophy is strength focused with squat and dead lift being the core of my training. I squat and dead lift once a week and overhead press and bench once in two weeks.


This looks like a very active and informative forum. I hope to contribute positively.

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Speciesism, excellent, a scientific view point, great to hear more and more people with more and more good reasons why not to eat animal products. The rest of the world will hopefully some day catch on through education.

I attended an excellent debate at the world science festival earlier this year on the topic of mind vs consciousness. Many scientists do not eat animals because of consciousness and causing harm to something that not only feels pain but is aware of what is happening. I find it intriguing. If I'm not mistaken an octopus is more conscious than a lot of animals and birds.

Sorry I'm rambling. Did you see any of the world science festival this year online at all? I believe its still archived if you are interested at all.



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