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War Machine

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So i cut out all the nasty ass dairy products and have only been drinking Organic soy milk.....now I meet people that talk negatively about the soy!???

They say i should be on almond milk...

I researched it on google and did find alot of negative shit about soy...but then again you can find negatives about anything on the ent.

Please help!





Edited by War Machine
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If soy doesn't give you any problems I think its great since its pretty cheap too...but in terms of taste...almond milk is best and its easy to make yourself too

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Rice dream rice milk comes in plain, vanilla, and chocolate and you can get the enriched one for extra vitamins if that's a concern. Soy and I don't get along sometimes so I usually go for RiceDream. They also have horchata. Mmmm.


That's what i get too, it's good..

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I dont make my own almond milk but I do make my own horchata. I am a fan of soymilk for sure. I really like the very vanilla flavor, but the chocolate is good too. If soy is bad for people, then the effects must be really delayed for me. I have cut out the soy powders for a day just to see how i'd do, and things are going well. I've eaten that stuff nearly every day for 4 years, so i'm happy to make a change. I'm hungrier though, but that could be from more intensive workouts...

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I am in the process of cutting out dairy. I think I am allergic to soy but not sure yet. I noticed that some of the almond milks on the market contain some soy. I would like to make my own if it is easy . Is it cheaper? How long does it keep for?


What taste best on cereals?

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Freesia, homemade almond milk is SUPER EASY and very inexpensive to make! All you have to do is blend (i do it in a Vitamix) 1 cup of almonds (soaked overnight) to 3 cups of water and that's it!


You can either strain it for a smoother milk (and use the pulp later for other things) or drink it as is. It normally keeps for 3 days in the fridge. I put it over my cereals or use it as a base for my smoothies. =)

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Horchata can have milk in it, so if you order it at some restraunt be sure to ask. But basically its the water they drain off from cooking rice, put in some kind of sweetner, cinnamon, maybe nutmeg...whatever other spices you like and bam youve got it. I'd let it chill overnight, but its good stuff. You can buy it bottled at asian markets.

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