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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey everyone! My name is Kayla, I'm a 20 year old college student and I've been gluten free and vegan since June 2013. I'm gluten intolerant and have a mild allergy to dairy, but the eggs and meat are a choice (and even if I were to magically have no dairy allergy, I wouldn't eat it). I went vegan for ethical reasons following many years of vegetarianism. The switch to GF vegan happened while I was in treatment for an eating disorder, so I was seeing a nutritionist weekly at the time and she fully supported my reasons behind the veganism and helped me immensely to be sure my diet was still balanced! I started to become interested in weight lifting when I got back into exercise after recovering from the anorexia (whereas before all I ever did was cardio), and it makes me feel so strong and empowered. I have begun to take it more seriously and am considering competing at some point if I stay healthy and happy doing this! I'm excited to join this community and see what I can offer others and what others can offer me!
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