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  1. One problem I've never been able to overcome is wrist weakness and shakiness that gets worse as the months go by with lifing small dumbells. How do weight lifters deal with that? I find it very debilitating as a I type a lot at work. My forearms and grip strength get weaker as my biceps get only marginally stronger. It doesn't seem like a reasonable trade off to me.
  2. I've been a near-vegan for about 20 years, but have decided to become vegan after learning more about the dairy industry. I'm not super fit. I don't lift weights because of wrist, knee, and foot pain. However, I would like to try. My doctor says its nothing more than arthritis and weightlifting will help; but I don't know how to get started. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it. I'm a 40 year old female.
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