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Barbell Complexes instead of Cardio - Suggestions?


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Hey everyone. I've been getting sick of just plain jogging for cardio, so I'd like to switch some days to complexes. These would be mixed in between heavy lifting days on an 8-day rotation, about 2 per week (see below). The goal is partly to up the intensity of these "light" days, but mostly just to mix things up and keep it interesting.


Anyone have any favorites? Around 5-6 exercises per complex, 5-8 reps per exercise, 90-120 second breaks between complexes, total duration between 15 and 30 minutes. I'm thinking along these lines:


Light Complex:

Bentover Row

Hang Clean

Front Squat

Overhead Press

Good Morning


Heavy Complex:


Romanian Deadlift

Power Clean

Push Press

Back Squat


Example Schedule:

M - Overhead Press

Tu - Complexes

W - Squat

Th - Cardio

F - Bench

Sa - Complexes

Su - Deadlift

M - Rest

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