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June is for JuiceFeasting!(46day liquid diet)BROKEN;videoadd

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I'm Your Man, isn't it a great feeling? Never had raw cacao huh? Oh boy, you must pick some up. Alone it is quite bitter and not for everyone but when prepared properly with other ingredients, it is so rich. Juliano's makes a great raw torte that I make from his book around holidays for family and it always goes over well; I use some raw cacao in it, even though I think the recipe doesn't ask for that much. The cheapest place I have seen raw cacao for is Nuts Online and they say they ship to Canada too in bold letters on their page with a Canadian flag. No other place i've seen can match them. Pick some up!


Cubby, just oats, OMG? They're are so many grains, as i'm sure of you're aware of. Variety is the spice of life my friend. Brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, millet, wheatberries, kamut berries, barley, salba, buckwheat groats, to name a few.....


Tuesday, June 24th DAY TWENTY FOUR


Morning Weight: 190lbs

Bodyfat: 9% c'mon baby, stick to the single digits!

-Performed 2 bag enema flush


Today's Intake

-14oz rejuvelac

-24oz fruit juice (1 young thai coconut, 1/2 cup frozen organic raspberries, 1 cup frozen wild


-174 grams spirulina/chlorella blend in 90oz water.

58 grams at 10:30am

58 grams at 3:10pm

58 grams at 8:30pm

-25oz organic fruit juice (1 organic mango) wish it was a mangosuma!

-64oz organic fruit juice (7 organic bananas)

-18oz fruit juice blend (2 1/4 cups frozen durian)

-28oz organic vegetable JUICE (organic watercress, organic burdock root, oganic bok choy,

organic celery, organic sunchoke, organic lacinto kale, organic swiss chards, organic cilantro,

organic mint, organic ginger)

-62oz organic fruit juice (3 organic oranges, 3 organic grapefruits)


Just so you know, all though I am not consuming the leftover quinoa grains, that doesn't mean they're going to waste!



The grapes I took from an event that were going to be thrown out...



So looking back at today, it kind of seems like I consumed alot but was very active and my body needed it. Played 7 games of handball outdoors and 5 games of racquetball indoors and did 20 sets of core work. Plus i've been restricting intake for a good 4 days or so. Needed to refuel.


Also seemed to have more gas today than any other day since i've been doing this feast. It didn't really smell or anything, was just really loud and somewhat frequent.

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Andesuma, dearie, my fellow fridge buddy, it's so easy to make, really, like zero effort. I hope you get involved with concocting a batch soon. If not by mid july, i'm making one for you out there! Only takes 2 days and barely any work.... I feel fabulous! Glad to know it shows in my appearance in your eyes also, thank you! cinnamon is good, what about nutmeg? I'm a nutmeg freak, love the stuff, especially in some nice raw chocolate, mmmm



Yeah.. I shall make it one day, I'd love for you to make some though!

I'm really bad with following instructions.


I either have to:

a. make up a way to do something myself (my default)


b. see someone do it/hands on.


Slightly more of a visual learner... and teacher




And yes, nutmeg! of course. My first raw thanksgiving I was the Queen

of making Raw Nog

Also, love ginger too (I use to really dislike it until I went raw..).

But no garlic (which I loved until I went raw..hah)... that stuff is EVIL .


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You got it! I couldn't think of anything easier to show you. RawNog sounds really yummy...

Ginger, like you, I hated as well and developed a taste for it as I started to transition to raw. But garlic, i'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. Coming from an Italian background, I have always been a lover of garlic and once I went raw, I loved it that much more. I have been known to prepare my own dishes with more than the recipe calls for, not for others as not everyone appreciates the taste of too much but for myself, I can never have enough.


I'm Your man, I suppose it all depends. I usually add the flesh, milk and oil to get everything all in one. I guess it would make the most sense to add the flesh as well to offset the gritty cacao grinds. However.... if you buy cacao powder, they really grind it up well for you, much better than you will be able to and then i'd say, if you want a thinner smoother drink, avoid the flesh and use oil and coconut milk.

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Okay so tomorrow is my colonic appointment! I haven't had one in like 8 months. I stopped getting them b/c of cost but with the program i'm on right now, I feel that it would benefit me and aid in the cleansing process. For today, I will be drinking only JUICES no blends whatsoever. This will maximize the session tomorrow and make it easier for my therapist to do her job. Tomorrow I will not be consuming anything until after the colonic (2pm), except for some rejuvelac and water. I'm excited It should be an amazing session. I anticipate as a result, I will probably lose a coupe of lbs of who knows what's inside of me and that my weight for the next couple of days will be fluctuating all over the place and eventually settle down somewhere.


As you can see, i've been spreading out the algae consumption throughout the day. I'm Your Man and VeggiePrincess, you are both right. Like you said VP, it's not always what we want or is most convenient, it's what we have to do to get the physique we want. I agree, chances are the algae will assimilate better if I spread it out into smaller doses. 58gram doses = 39grams of protein a serving. That sounds good to me. I will continue to log separate doses in to hold myself accountable and remind me that this needs to be done.


Also there was something really intense going on yesterday as I was very gassy all day and I had a tumultuous enema flush this morning as well. Some sort of heavy duty reaction from the effects of cleaning out my insides took place. Maybe it had something to do with the fact of my high level of activity yesterday?


Wednesday, June 25 DAY TWENTY FIVE


Morning Weight: 190lbs

Bodyfat: 10% whateva not concerned

-performed 2 bag enema flush


Today's Intake

-22oz rejuvelac

-40oz H20

-48oz organic fruit JUICE (5 organic gala apples, 1 organic green apple) my first fruit juice of

the feast; how delightful!

-36oz organic fruit JUICE (6 organic oranges)

-27oz organic vegetable JUICE (organic sunchoke, organic burdock root, organic ginger,

organic watercress, organic cilantro, organic dandelion greens, organic spinach, organic

swiss chard, organic bok choy, organic lacinto kale, organic mint)

-9oz fresh coconut water from 1 young thai coconut

-32oz organic fruit JUICE (4 organic grapefruits)

-Decided to not consume any algae today. Going to stick to fresh produce until after the



You don't necessarily need a juicer to make 'juice'. Once you blend something up, simply strain it through a mesh bag, like a nut milk bag or something, they're like 8 bucks online...


Here's a little illustration (for some reason i never was able to make a nice fruit juice in my

greenstar. I should call them up, i think i need a different piece or something, it always gets clogged right away)





fresh batch of rejuvelac on it's way and will be ready by tomorrow morning

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II suppose it all depends. I usually add the flesh, milk and oil to get everything all in one. I guess it would make the most sense to add the flesh as well to offset the gritty cacao grinds. However.... if you buy cacao powder, they really grind it up well for you, much better than you will be able to and then i'd say, if you want a thinner smoother drink, avoid the flesh and use oil and coconut milk.


Actually my question wasn't very clear: I wanted to know for making more solid raw chocolate, to eat after my juice feast. So I guess the best thing to do would be simply to put whole coconut chunks and blend everything with the whole cocoa beans, and adjust with agave nectar and coconut oil to add more liquid if necessary. Just like in any other recipe I should have think about it

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I'm Your Man, Actually, when it comes to the chocolate bars, I think you'd be better off just using oil and perhaps some dried coconut flakes mixed in but either or would be fine...


This was just so fantastic, that it needed it's own post. I went to play tennis with my friend today and I saw wild mulberry trees! There were fresh mulberries all over the place, dark and light and I managed to harvest a pretty big yield, bout half a plastic shopping bag, perhaps 8lbs give or take. I'm so excited! Will be a treat to have them tomorrow after I return from the colonic. It was and still is very tempting to chew on some but i'm stronger than that. Going to be some goooooood mulberry juice for the rest of this week and then some



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Zack, you have a point but I i'd rather just stick to 'drinking' my meals. Even though chewing until liquid would be just about the same as a blend, psychologically, it would feel like i'm fulfilling what I set out to do. It's not that big of a deal, doesn't bother me all that much.


Vegangirl, thank you for such awesome support! We all have the willpower inside of us, all you have to do is access and apply it in the direction of what you're looking to do.


Dani, can't wait until later today. I will enjoy some mulberry juice and then some lychee juice. It should be divine. Awwww, I would haved loved to see the puppy! Hopefully if you try again, i'll get it


Thursday, June 26th DAY TWENTY SIX


Morning Weight: 188lbs (-2lb) damn, juice and no blends does take off weight quicker, I

wouldn't be able to stick to just juices, need blends...

Bodyfat: 9%


-Performed 2 bag enema flush


Today's Intake

-25oz rejuvelac (I don't know if it's just b/c I'm taking in less and being more restrictive but

man this batch was the best ever by far. I want to chug it!

-75oz water

Post Colonic:

-2oz of wheatgrass at liquiteria

-18oz liquiteria juice bar organic green JUICE made in the hydraulic press (noorwalk juicer

King of all Juicers (Organic Kale, Organic Spinach,

Organic Celery, Organic Parsley, Organic Romaine)

-116 grams spirulina/chlorella blend in 60oz water

58 grams at 5:45pm

58 grams at 10:20pm

-12oz fruit juice blend (pure lychee berries, no water added!) WOW WHAT A KICK!!! A pain in

the tuccus to prepare but well worth the whole 5 seconds it lasted

-60oz organic fruit juice blend (5 organic bananas, 1 organic mango)

-48oz organic fruit juice blend (2 organic bananas, 1/2 cup frozen organic raspberries, 1 cup

frozen wild blueberries)


I seem to have taken in more liquids today than I have any other day throughout this feast. I must have been a little dehydrated, hence the 2lb bw loss in one day...

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No matter what happens, when you post your next photos I'll insist that you will be added in the profiles of VBB! You are already really fit and I can only expect that you look even better now (and after 2-3 weeks even better)!


I wish I'll be large enough some day to have a cutting phase so that I can use your methods.

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Tuc stop, honestly i'm not there yet my friend but thank you for such a magnificent compliment!! . Once I go through with this competition, I think those will be better photos to display if I were to make a profile. It should be sometime mid fall. Whenever I feel i'm a month away from contest shape, i'm going to sign up for one. Honestly, it seems like i am going to have to weight less than 170 to jump on stage which I wish wasn't the case but I have no choice, you have to be shredded to the bone to present yourself. So I don't have that much muscle, I was just bulky before.


What's worse is I have an impingement in my right shoulder that will not go away and I cannot train my Upper Back, Chest and Shoulders until it's cleared up. So far i has been 9 days. I'm praying that by VV08, July 16th, it should be ok. I suspect it will take just about that long. So unfortunately, when this feast is over, my upperbody will probably have shrunken a tad bit...... o well It will come right back soon enough once I can resume training those bp's



Ok so todays colonic went very well and it was comfortable, smoothest one i'

ve ever gotten. BUT, there wasn't enough time to get everything out and it just kept releasing. We had to stop so b/c she is a good friend of mine and she knows I do not have much money to spare, Donna is knocking some off the price so I can get another next week as it is necessary. Otherwise, I feel great. After a green juice and wheatgrass, I can honestly say, i'm not famished whatsoever but it's time to drink anyways! Need to fuel the body for training in a few hrs


Here are some pics of todays events... for those of you who are interester, that is a colonic table with the water above in the container. An average colonic irrigates about 35-40 gallons through your colon. My session however was probably about 20 gallons more this time though. After shots are me about to enjoy my green juice and some amazing organic watercress I found nearby being sold with roots and all....







With all this weight loss and with the exorbitant amount of greens i just consumed, I am actually starting to feel 'Lean and Green'. I almost don't want to consume any fruit juice but I know I will......

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Thanks phillip! I stepped onto vbbf not deserved of my handle yet but with a desire to earn it. You have been putting on some nice lbm yourself, whether you'd like to believe it or not. Who cares if you wind up adding a bit of bf as well. It comes with the territory. Usually you gain both at the same time, especially when you're adding alot of muscle like you are. You can always shed off bf every couple of mos or so when building stages calm down, dpon't stress it


Friday, June 27th, DAY TWENTY SEVEN


Morning Weight:186 (-2lbs) well, not really a shocker; I

expected it as a result of the colonic. Will prob go up and down for

another 3 days.

Bodyfat: 9%

-performed two bag enema flush


Today's Intake

-18oz rejuvelac

-24oz fruit juice (2 cups frozen durian)

-174grams spirulina/chlorella blend in 98oz water

58grams at 12:00pm

58grams at 3:30pm

58grams at 7:00pm

-58oz organic vegetable juice blend (made 128oz batch for next two

days: organic watercress, organic lacinto kale, organic spinach, organic

swiss chard, organic cilantro, organic avocados, organic macintosh

apples, organic lemons, organic dandelion greens)

-24oz fruit JUICE (the rest of the red seedless grapes, strained the pulp)

-30oz organic fruit juice blend (1 young thai coconut, 1 cup wild fresh

'brooklyn' mulberries, 1 cup frozen organic raspberries, 1 cup frozen

organic strawberries)

-30oz organic fruit juice blend (4 organic bananas, 1 1/2cup frozen

organic raspberries)

-24oz fruit juice (2 cups frozen durian)


Bought Yesterday

Total cost: $23

-Organic Watercress

-Organic Limes

-Organic Macintosh Apples (bag)

-Unbleached cheesecloth (my old one was shot to pieces; for covering


-Organic Mint (it's just so beautiful right now, couldn't resist).

-Organic Celery

-Organic Cucumbers (I want a nice cooling cucumber and celery juice!)






btw, both Sunny and Jay LOVE juice and I wouldn't be surprised if they started their own Juice feast! Anyone know where to get a mini blender for these birds to operate on their own?

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I have seen your break down of how much you spend on shopping days but can you give an estimate as to your per week expenditure of food stuff. factor in the algea as well. Thanks buddy. I love reading this blog.


P.s. there is a place here in salt lake city called omars living cuisine. I actually say often that raw foodies kinda freak me out. They seem cultish. Eyes gleaming...i dont think they blink....no seriously....its like cooked food makes you blink.... and their skin looks waxy and smooth. which i actually like... anywho Omar the owner dude waved at me like we had known each other all our lives. and usually i just go with the flow so i waved back and offered a smile and slight bow of the head. we chit chat for a while as he stares through to my soul eyes bright yet unfocused. then he says you really have a great aura (the whole time i don't break eye contact and blink as little as possible, i released a sense of radiance and light as we talk. something my psychic mother taught me. he comes over and stares at my third eye and tells me a lot of things about Mayan readings and what not.


All and all i think he was hippy hitting on me.


You are a raw foodist and i like you quite a bit. You don't seem like part of the skinny never blink crew... i know stereotypes be what they may but i thought it was a funny experience highlighting how different you are from the other raw foodists at least in the restaurant business i have met.

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Phillip, that was one of the funniest posts i've ever read!


I totally hear you man, alot of raw foodists are nutsos and all into spirituality to the point where they're not grounded. I was so happy to go to a raw chocolate rave party about 2 months ago and meet more 'normal' run of the mill character around my age who were raw. I'm glad you didn't group me into the skinny/no blinking crew!


Funny thing about the Mayan calender (I think it's the Mayan calendar), it ends on my birthday in 2012.... December 21st. All the religious types in that realm are predicting all sorts of mayhem and craziness as the calendar will no longer exist and it's been the staple of countless artifacts and etched over so many things.


I will try my best to make a guesstimate as soon as I can and will get back to you. It's hard to assess as I choose different things everyday and some days i juice more than blend and now i'm consuming less but i'll try and come up wome some sort of a figure. For example the first two weeks, i went through a box of durians a week. the last box, 3 weeks later, isn't even 1/4 of the way done.... At the moment I don't have time but i'll get back to you.


Saturday June 28th DAY TWENTY EIGHT


Morning Weight: 186lb (I'm very surprised at this as I consumed ALOT

yesterday after losing 4lbs in 2 days, I didn't even gain a single lb back....)

Bodyfat: 8% (-1%) bring it!

-Performed 2 bag enema flush


Today's Intake

-25oz rejuvelac

-118grams of spirulina/chlorella blend in 66oz water

58 grams at 10:30am

58 grams at 5:30pm

-32oz fruit juice blend (2 cups frozen durian)

-64oz organic fruit juice (7 organic bananas)

-28oz organic vegetable juice blend (same from the big batch made yesterday)

-64oz fruit juice blend (2 young thai coconuts, 1/2 organic lime, 2 cups wild fresh mulberries,

1/2cup frozen organic raspberries, 1/2 cup frozen organic strawberries)


Some more pictures for you viewing pleasure (my sprouter and the setup, grape juice with pulp manually removed in mesh bag, FRESH MULBERRY JUICE!!




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great blog! amazing transformation you are on and your travels along the way. thanks for sharing. it's very inspiring.


it's often said that the most important muscle is the mind (i don't remember who said that... but I just read or heard it again; maybe rickson gracies character, in "the incredible hulk" opening scene where he's training edward norton to control his anger) and what you're doing is a potent example of mind power; in the sense that you can do anything when you put your mind to it.


the cool thing about vbf is that it's a place where the different are similar. and even the differences between the different are respected.


personally, i've experienced all kind of reactions and comments to my everyday diet and cleanses and fasts at the workplace and at home, too, but ultimately you gotta be with you so the rest gets left behind... and it seems like that is working out for you.


regarding the tanita scale and bodyfat, i have one too and i don't know which you have but it's as you say the accuracy is not like a hydrostatic weighing but it's good to track it anyway. the one i have is an older version and it only has the sensors that sends a electrical current up thru the bottom of your feet to your lower body and then down?


i believe there is a newer model that also has handles that sends the current thru your arms and to your upper body then down, too, so that factors in with the feet onbe and is more true. i think there's even a more detailed scale that will show your water weight and lean muscle mass as well?


i believe the main variables of the weigh in are if you've eaten or drank, if you've eliminated, and if you exercised prior to weigh in. so, for me, to get the best #s i weigh in pre feed after bathroom post workout and of course in my birthday suit.


btw i'm here in NYC (actually Long Island City to be exact), i'm curious where do you get all your produce?


and are those actually frozen whole durians that i saw in your pictures?


is that what you meant by you thaw them then cut em up and divide and refreeze them?


anyway, lean and green, keep it coming i count myself among the many here who are routing you on!

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Funny thing about the Mayan calender (I think it's the Mayan calendar), it ends on my birthday in 2012.... December 12th. All the religious types in that realm are predicting all sorts of mayhem and craziness as the calendar will no longer exist and it's been the staple of countless artifacts and etched over so many things.




OMG! something I can go off about... haha


I've studied Calendar systems for a very long time, I think I know pretty much

everything(& nothing of course) about nearly all of them!

I love ancient civilizations and all of there within...


My birthday is when the Mayan calendar began ! August 13th.

It is estimated that the calendar came into existence between August 11th-13th,

all of the revolutionary artists and figures I know in my life.. that I feel

very energetically connected to, either have their birthdays at the beginning or end of

the Mayan calendar. (just an observation I've made from an early age)



It's very interesting indeed.




Though... I do not believe chaos will occur when it ends.

I think we will come to the end of the beginning of starting to push thru the barrier.


It will be the end of the Minds Ego. The analytical, doubtful, cooked-food mind.





I have a lot of theories about this. That one is much more involved, but ingeneral..

that is what I feel will occur... within my being, that is what resonates.



So, congratulations lovely Giacomo! For doing your part in the deconstruction of the ego...


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I have seen your break down of how much you spend on shopping days but can you give an estimate as to your per week expenditure of food stuff. factor in the algea as well. Thanks buddy. I love reading this blog.


P.s. there is a place here in salt lake city called omars living cuisine. I actually say often that raw foodies kinda freak me out. They seem cultish. Eyes gleaming...i dont think they blink....no seriously....its like cooked food makes you blink.... and their skin looks waxy and smooth. which i actually like... anywho Omar the owner dude waved at me like we had known each other all our lives. and usually i just go with the flow so i waved back and offered a smile and slight bow of the head. we chit chat for a while as he stares through to my soul eyes bright yet unfocused. then he says you really have a great aura (the whole time i don't break eye contact and blink as little as possible, i released a sense of radiance and light as we talk. something my psychic mother taught me. he comes over and stares at my third eye and tells me a lot of things about Mayan readings and what not.


All and all i think he was hippy hitting on me.


You are a raw foodist and i like you quite a bit. You don't seem like part of the skinny never blink crew... i know stereotypes be what they may but i thought it was a funny experience highlighting how different you are from the other raw foodists at least in the restaurant business i have met.



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Is that juice pasteurized or is that just some bottle you put it in? I expect it's just a bottle you used.


Also, the grape juice pulp, I kept looking at it like it was bacon or something!



Do you ever worrying about your intestinal flora with all these enemas and colonics?


Aren't those frozen imported durians irradiated?


Good job on the 8% bf.

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Just had to post to say you're doing an awesome job with this juice feast! And that you must have a lot of will power to not be chewing food for this long. keep mentioning durians, I've never had one and was wondering what kind of taste they have? I obviously need to experiment more with fruits and vegetables that I'm not familiar with. Anyway keep up the good work on your juicing/blending adventure!

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Lean and Green, I just stumbled upon your blog today and read it in its entirety. I have to say, what you are doing is extremely interesting and inspiring stuff.


I wanted to give my regards and give my support. I am going to be sure to keep checking back to see how your progress is coming along.


P.S. Some of the fruits and veggies combos sound extremely appetizing, it makes we want to go get my juicer and whip something up right now. I only wish I knew where to get some durian!

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HEY EVERYONE!!! I need to go to bed because I just got invited by a dear friend of mine who owns her own boat to go WATERSKIING for the FIRST TIME! I am so excited, can you tell!?! Well, worked a long shift today in upstate (woodstock annual concert hall opening gala) and I am only going to be able to sleep 3 1/2 hrs so I cannot reply to all at the moment (of course I will tomorrow afternoon).


I would just like to say that I love you all and this place is like a home away from home for me. This feast has already changed my life in so many ways and I cannot begin to describe in the ways, they're endless. But seriously, coming home to all these wonderful and supportive responses; I am alone here in my quarters but I feel surrounded by support and family. The best part of walking into my home, is knowing I can sign onto vbbf and hook up with the greatest people in existence. Thank you so much for all the feedback which helps to properl me further into success with this endeavor. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.


Oh and very important andesuma, my birthday is december 21st (winter solstice). Which is in fact the actual date on the nose when the Mayan calendar will end in 2012. I cannot BELIEVE that your bday is the start of it. What a crazy coincedence! My fellow raw foodist, this rare connection shall flourish, deal soul....


Oh and don't worry, I have a waterproof digital olympus camera, expect pics and vids (hopefully if they film me) of me falling all over the place on waterskiis somewhere posted on vbbf

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