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Some pharmacists refusing to fill birth control


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1Plan B requiring a prescription still is utterly absurd. 2I can't imagine being say, a 18yr old poor single girl in Mississippi.


1 - Word.

2 - Defacto prohibition of abortion. Not dejuris or dejur or whatever it is, but same net outcome. It's effective ban if not a legal one. Still denying choice.


Also I'm in SE @ 29th and Division (About 12 blocks from FoodFight). You should come by sometime. I'm busy with classes most of the time right now. But come winter break I should be freeer. Haha. I used three e's in a word Go me!

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Well, if one is against all birth control as concept, then I can't see any other reason than believing that sex not open to procreation is wrong.



Some of the religious zealots believe that deliberate childlessness is a sin. 6.7 Billion people on this planet, & they believe everyone should procreate.


Guess my husband & I are living in sin after all!

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Hey… no one asked where I live…. I’m feeling a little unloved.

Sorry, I thought it was implied - that's why I said vegans plural

What part of town are you in?

I think it'd be awesome if we all got together for lunch or something sometime, especially if it were a day Rob + Topher could come up to. Portland is so much better for vegan food than Corvallis!

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you said something about liking "Cheers" are you talking about the one in portland on 122?


No, just meant that my favorite bar is 'Cheers'-like to me. It's not fancy or trendy, just a regular ole bar, but I know everyone and it feels homey ...except all my favorite bartenders have left over the last few months, and I haven't been there since right after school started

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Polluting your body with hormones and disturbing your natural cycle isn't a very clever thing to do.


This excerpt was shown to me as an example in which hormonal contraceptives can offer a benefit:


Increased progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle cause increasees in both core and skin temperatures and alter the temperature at which sweating begins factors that could place females at an increased reisk of developing heat illness during this time.

Cheung and others found that female athletes not using oral cont. are at a thermoregulatory disadvantage during the luteal phase of the mensural cycle suggesting that the use of oracl contraceptives eliminates any differences in heat tolerance thorughout the menstrual cycle


Nutrition for Health, Fitness, and Sport Seventh Edition by Melvin H. Williams 2005



Makes sense, aferall they monitor body temp to estimate peak times of fertility. I found it interesting

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I agree with DayWalker on this one. I took this years ago and immediately spiralled into severe and I do mean SEVERE depression. My friend called the doctor (it's amazing what you don't realize yourself when you are on the meds) and he had me off of them immediately. Wanted me to go to the hospital (I refused). The doc said under NO circumstances should I ever attempt it again. I must say I am funny with meds anyway and the smallest doses can have severe effects on me (Tylonel 3 knocks me out cold). But it can happen to anyone. Just a word of caution, be careful.


Regarding the original issue. IMHO, I think anyone can refuse to do anything they are not confortable with. I think we don't need any more laws on things such as this and the government should stay out of it. If the Pharm. isn't doing their job, it is up to the company where they were hired to fire them if they see fit. If there are companies who won't fill certain meds, (similar to WalMart not selling certain music they find offensive), the people will choose to not give them their business.

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Sea I think the problem lies with fair access, that pharmacies are already government regulated, and we're talking about an emergency medical issue. In many instances going to another store might not be an issue, but in this one it could prove life-altering... no?

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  • 9 months later...
*deep breaths, deep breaths*


As either of my roommates can tell you, I get IRATE when it comes to reproductive issues, pharmacy, the FDA....one only needs to venture over to my MySpace blogs to see what I'm talking about...I'm constantly ranting about these very things.


I cannot imagine a job where one can refuse to do the perfectly legal demands of the work. F#$&(*$ing ridiculous. I forget what they're called....conscience clauses or something like that? That states are enacting to let pharmacists off the hook for this behavior? Birth control pills and emergency contraception are vitally important drugs! And if the right wants to prevent abortions, I think they ought to be passing them out as quickly as possible, not PREVENT access to the


I get SO angry!!!!


Me too

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A little off-topic: i can't recommend hormonal contraception. It's NOT good for your body. I think nowadays there are other safe alternatives, condoms and ... *lacks english word* femidoms? Silicon things used by the woman... like internal condom *lol* Works very well

Polluting your body with hormones and disturbing your natural cycle isn't a very clever thing to do. It really puts me off that physicians invented and promoted this practise, so that it's very common and normal now.


Well I agree but they are pretty reliable. I am allergic to condoms, every kind i have tried. I am searching for an alternative.

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I agree that pharmacists shouldn't have to hand out anything they're morally opposed to. I, too, have the right to take a job as a waitress at a restaurant and refuse to hand out animal products (and keep my job); after all, I'm morally opposed to it.

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Find another pharmacist.


Without birth control we would have a plethora of issues and it has more uses than just preventing pregnancy.

If you look into the history of abortions you'll find that many frightened mothers have killed themselves while attempting coat hanger abortions.


Wether or not you are prolife or choice, you have a right that they havn't taken from you yet.


By the way, being married and pretty young... to NOT be on birth control would be awful. By our 5th year of marriage, that means me being 23 years old, I would probably have like, 3 kids. WTF? Not cool.


I'd rather have my uterus removed.

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Find another pharmacist.


Without birth control we would have a plethora of issues and it has more uses than just preventing pregnancy.

If you look into the history of abortions you'll find that many frightened mothers have killed themselves while attempting coat hanger abortions.


Wether or not you are prolife or choice, you have a right that they havn't taken from you yet.


By the way, being married and pretty young... to NOT be on birth control would be awful. By our 5th year of marriage, that means me being 23 years old, I would probably have like, 3 kids. WTF? Not cool.


I'd rather have my uterus removed.

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Most condoms = not vegan


The pill is tested on animals, and purchase of it gives profit to pharmaceutical industries who continue to abuse animals in this way, so it seems like minus six and minus half-a-dozen, to me, from a veganly perspective.


I wouldn't dose myself up on hormones, especially not the Super-HardcorePill *use only in critical situations* , anyway, but if the two options would be (A) people have lots of penetrative vagina-themed sex, and produce lots of babies or (B) people have lots of penetrative vagina-themed sex, and do lots of weird stuff with hormones to prevent pregnancy, thus not producing lots of children. ... then i would say that option B is preferrable to option A..... but that all the same, it's the best of a bad lot.


If i were going to go in for that particular brand of rumpy pumpy, i would prudently go to a doctor beforehand and claim to be up the duff, in order to be able to stockpile the 'morning after pill' in advance..... i certainly wouldn;t decide to use contraception which might fail, then go running about at the last minute when it eventually does just that but maybe that's just me. It seems so unnecessarily stressful not to do a bit of forward planning when it comes to stuff like this, is how i see it.

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Well I agree but they are pretty reliable. I am allergic to condoms, every kind i have tried. I am searching for an alternative.


Even the synthetic ones???? I'm alergic to condoms too which is my excuse for not getting any for a really long time...only came on the last ten months though

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