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Food that raises testosterone levels naturally?

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I read on some soy drink carton that soy drink is good for women because its phytoestrogen properties supports women in estrogen. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any natural food that raises testosterone levels? I read in a health book that peanut butter can raise testosterone levels, but I don't know if that applies to women.

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Phytoestrogens are magnitudes weaker then endogenous estrogens. That is why some medical researchers think natural soy foods reduce breast cancer risk. Phyotestrogens merge with the same estrogen receptors as endogenous estrogens and powerful estrogenic pollutants ( insectisides, birth control residues in the water, hormones in animal products etc ), thus block the stronger effects of both.


This theory is one of the reasons why the "soy will feminize men" hysteria is so silly. If anything natural soy foods will keep men from being more feminized by "blocking" some of their endogenous estrogens and the estrogenic pollutants they ingest.


Eating more fat will boost testosterone in men, but only up to a point. Resistance training will as well, again, up to a point.

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watching stallone movies can raise t-levels, up to a point.


bw. do you (or anyone else for that matter) know, in percentage, how much you can raise t production by eating right? i don't need exact numbers just something to point me in the right direction.

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I've read (I think in a Montignac book) those foods boost sexuality. I guess testosterone and sexuality are in synergy.



-dark chocolate


-garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, rosemary, saffron and verbena.


And while we're at it, those foods are supposed to be good for memory:


-brewer's yeast

-whole grains

-cocoa and dark chocolate


-fresh fruits


-soy nuts


-dried fruits



Basically, about everything, lol

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Really ? I didn't know that. Maybe it's something particular in champagne like the kind of grapes they use, or the author would have said all alchohols. Or what Montignac is saying is just nonsense.


Why alcohol makes people agressive and so excited, commiting acts such as vandalism, fighting, murder, rape or just sex ? Isn't more testosterone-like behaviors not oestrogen?

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I read on some soy drink carton that soy drink is good for women because its phytoestrogen properties supports women in estrogen. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any natural food that raises testosterone levels? I read in a health book that peanut butter can raise testosterone levels, but I don't know if that applies to women.



The main way testosterone levels (and hormone levels in general) are affected is via overfeeding. Excess energy consumed in excess of expenditure triggers a chemical orchestra in which many hormones are increased. For example, Table 1 of this study:


shows that testosterone levels increased by 32% in females who were overfed for 3 weeks (insulin increased 48%). Besides the general principle that hormones adjust to higher and lower amounts of work to be done (i.e., how much is required for the job of metabolism) - studies notice the contributing factors of Fat intake/the amount of adipose tissue in the body, & also of course exercise considerations. There are many studies showing a drop in hormone levels when kcal are restricted, for example. Basically, you can experiment with your hormone levels by varying kcal intake and especially by limiting or increasing the amount FAT in the diet & exercising...


Regardless, I think it's important to avoid the mainstream trap of obsessing individual trees without seeing the giant forest. If you give the body biologically appropriate fuel (plant food), regular exercise+recovery, & some sunshine - the body's superly refined evolutionary design will give you good health.

Edited by veganmaster
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Really ? I didn't know that. Maybe it's something particular in champagne like the kind of grapes they use, or the author would have said all alchohols. Or what Montignac is saying is just nonsense.


Why alcohol makes people agressive and so excited, commiting acts such as vandalism, fighting, murder, rape or just sex ? Isn't more testosterone-like behaviors not oestrogen?


i really don't know the specifics. i read it in a soy article on t-nation (that's acctually co-written by a vbb forum member)




Chronic alcohol intake is one of the most powerful mediators of sex hormone levels. Ethanol is a testicular toxin. Chronic male alcoholics develop an assortment of endocrine disorders, including infertility, testicular shrinkage, and feminization, caused in part by elevated production of estrogens and inhibition of Testosterone biosynthesis in the testis.


Also, alcohol increases the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that converts Testosterone to estrogen in the body.

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I have been studying this this for sometime as I have clients who are in a similar spot. There is not a one size fits all formula, however there seems to be a pattern where the majority respond.


I would recommend:


Foods to Reduce Estrogen:

flax seeds, brown rice, whole-grain bread, oatmeal, etc.

broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, etc.

beans, peas, lentils

fruits (especially citrus)


Foods to Raise testosterone:

nuts, olive oil, canola oil, and peanut butter

garlic, broccoli, cabbage


And most importantly: avoid alcoholic beverages & get enough sleep, preferable a normal consistent sleeping pattern of 7-8 hours going to bed and rising at the same time.

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Chronic alcohol intake is one of the most powerful mediators of sex hormone levels. Ethanol is a testicular toxin. Chronic male alcoholics develop an assortment of endocrine disorders, including infertility, testicular shrinkage, and feminization, caused in part by elevated production of estrogens and inhibition of Testosterone biosynthesis in the testis.


Also, alcohol increases the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that converts Testosterone to estrogen in the body.


ahah, and yet men think drinking their beer everynight or while watching the Superbowl makes them real man and when they see a man who abstain from alcool they see him as a less-man.

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Foods to Reduce Estrogen:

flax seeds, brown rice, whole-grain bread, oatmeal, etc.

broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, etc.

beans, peas, lentils

fruits (especially citrus)


Foods to Raise testosterone:

nuts, olive oil, canola oil, and peanut butter

garlic, broccoli, cabbage


And most importantly: avoid alcoholic beverages & get enough sleep, preferable a normal consistent sleeping pattern of 7-8 hours going to bed and rising at the same time.



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Well, not food, but some believe that tribulus (a herb from central Africa or somewhere) raises testosterone levels.


However, it smells and tastes so repulsive that only a few of the craziest people can eat it (it's also available in capsules). In double blind studies no definite correlation with raising t-levels have been found... but worth trying because it's all natural.


I myself believe in myself and my own t-levels without any supplements or special foods. No need for boosts.

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