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how the "rest of the world" sees Vegans


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now this is the kind of stuff that gives Vegans a bad wrap.... this story was really told with a HUGE spin on how it was the "vegan lifestyle" that led to the children's malnourishment, forget the fact that many meat eating families neglect their children...




also: I was at the gym a few days ago and I must confess that I am a magazine junkie and I am sort of ashamed to say that I was reading Cosmo... well anyway, there is a section in the magazine where readers admit to something "bitchy" that they have done... and someone wrote that they have a vegan roommate who makes "chocolate and kale" (wtf??) cookies and that this "militant" roommate "forces" the non-vegan roommate to eat the cookies so the non-vegan roommate spits the cookies in the toilet when her vegan roommate is not looking.... what the hell??! Is this really how most people see vegans?? as child-abusing- militant-chocolate-and-kale-cookie-baking-freaks???


what do y'all think?

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We should all do things that go against the vegan stereotypes. In this vein I:

Drive a 4x4 truck

Eat few veggies

Like guns



Ok, I'm just a redneck...


ahah, I like that.


About the 4x4 trucks, a scientist said that reducing meat consumption by 20% makes the samething for the ozone layer (co2/methane) than trading your regular gasoline car for an hybrid.




Marcina, you don't like kale in salads ? I don't notice the bitter taste of kale when it's with lots of other veggies like spinach, lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, olives, liquid aminos, etc

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I normally force my friends to eat my soil and toilet-paper pancakes.



(homer simpson voice) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... soil and toilet paper pancakessss.


I'm Your Man, I ever really cared for the texture of kale in salad or taste, even when mixed with other stuff. Perhaps wilted with some salt and with lemon and other stuff, it's ok byr I wouldn't purposely make it. I generally blend it up and consume that way....


But kale a chocolate! My my my, this is a must. I have to experiment with that...

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I have seen recipes for spinach brownies before. Apparently if you find a good one, the spinach is undetectable. I have made spinach carob smoothies and those are actually good. I don't know about kale, though, it has a much stronger taste than spinach.

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I'm a redneck in the same vein as wobbly, though I do try to eat my veggies. I know people which are surprised by my veganness since they have run into other vegans much like the Cosmo article described. I only have a handful of local vegan friends and then there is our forum. I can't say I know many harsh vegans.

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The rest of the world (or most of it) sees me from frog perspective since I'm 6 feet tall.


Anyway, I think many people don't like vegans just because we show people what is the right way to live and they refuse to believe themselves because they often know that vegans live more ethically even with their own standards. It makes them angry since they have resistance to change and vegans show why they have the need to change.


Or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was eating vegetarian someone made cookies that had bacon in them,I found out in the first bite.I wonder if I ever sold food to that couple and their children.I don't recognize them but who knows. I know of a few other children who are raised vegan and poorly at times and they gave them milk or an egg to make up for the loss. Most of these cases of poor nutrition management came from single parent families though. In one case one of the children is a terror and is a complete free spirit in a undisciplined way. I look at this and feel good that I found out my parent(s) was not necessarily the best person to make decisions for me at a younger age.

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I have to try the kale and chocolate smoothie. Sounds Yummy!


I'm not your sterotypical West Philly male vegan scenester.


I'm big compared to most of the srawny 125lb wimps who look like they have an eating disorder. I weigh 205lbs.

I lift weights.

I watch American football and sports in general other than futbol.

Loved strip clubs when I was a younger

I'm too macho

I love locker room talk (T&A)

I'm oppossed to any form of gun control

I'm verbally aggressive

I'm loud not softspoken

I masculine not effeminate

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