RAINRA Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 I RESPONDED TO AN ARTICLE AND FOLLOWED UP TO ANSWER NAVARRE'S QUESTIONWHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE FLESH EATERS RESPONSES? NAVARRE POSTED Posted Jul 22 2008 12:30 PM Hide PostI don't understand why anyone is a vegetarian. Can someone help me to understand why it is so important to be a vegetarian. I eat a lot of meat. I understand that it is important to protect the animals but I think by treating the animals with respect and not just throwing them all in a gas chamber is the right thing to do. I went on a vegetarian diet and I never felt worse in my whole life. I like fruits and vegetables but I like my meat too. As long as I know that the meat that I am eating mas made with proper standards in regards to how the animal was killed. If anyone needs more information on that subject, I'm sure someone at Whole Foods Market can help you with it. I like to eat meat but I also use a product called Berry Green made by New Chapter. New Chapter has all sorts of great products accept protein. I'm going on a diet that consists of a lot of New Chapter products but I wont give up on the meat. I hope all of those vegetarians consider what it says in the bible about eating. Of course you should always talk to a doctor before you go on anything. I POSTED Posted Jul 22 2008 01:09 PM Hide PostHi Navarre 76, I appreciate your interest on the question on why people would give up meat.THere are many reasons. Health, Environment, Animal welfare, Human rights etc... I could really write a book on why animals are not good to eat. The main problem is that meat went from simple farms to Factory industrialized farming methods. Makes it worse for the animals. Why care about animals? well that is to each his own but animals are feeling beings who have personalities friends and are much like humans we just choose to call animals stupid because they don't speak human talk or act like us and they can't speak out. How can they defend their lives they can't. If you had a dog or have one. and broke your dogs leg, would it not be just like you breaking your leg. Yes it is the same pain. So we are similar in suffering as animals are. This includes fish which are probably the most ignored animal. The Bible is left up to interpretation so it can not be used as fact. But if you go the religious routeThe Bible says I shall not kill right? do people kill animals and other people yes look how about war. Many religious people justify that it is ok in war. Again bible says you shall not kill. In Genesis it saysGenesis 9: 4-5 Flesh shall ye not eat.Genesis 1: 29 Behold I have given you herb yielding seed. To you it shall be for food. (no mention of giving meat. On health effectshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_China_Studyis the largest study done on humans and diet. Shows the more meat you eat the more cancer, osteoperosis and heart disease appears in ones body. Of course their will be exceptions to every case. Enviromental effects are just ass bad.http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-methane15oct1...=la-opinion-leftrail Large amounts of rainforest being used to grow food for factory farms, water pollution from tons of cow waste.Lot of gas used trucking food to cows cows to slaughter and meat to stores. There are a thousand reason why eating meat is just bad for you and the planet. At least at the scale people are eating now a days. Every meal that you can go vegan is seriously helping out all these problems. Do some research on veganism. Vegans don't hate meat eaters they want to make meat eaters see that we were born from day one believing that we must eat meat for good health. Lions never get heart disease from eating meat but humans do. The evidence shows that meat consumption is just not good for anyone. Just be informed about the truth and seriously take time and research health, environment and whatever else you may find. Your health is just important as mine. I hope you live a healthy and good life. -RAiN --------------OTHERS POSTED Posted Jul 22 2008 12:30 PM Hide PostI don't understand why anyone is a vegetarian. Can someone help me to understand why it is so important to be a vegetarian. I eat a lot of meat. I understand that it is important to protect the animals but I think by treating the animals with respect and not just throwing them all in a gas chamber is the right thing to do. I went on a vegetarian diet and I never felt worse in my whole life. I like fruits and vegetables but I like my meat too. As long as I know that the meat that I am eating mas made with proper standards in regards to how the animal was killed. If anyone needs more information on that subject, I'm sure someone at Whole Foods Market can help you with it. I like to eat meat but I also use a product called Berry Green made by New Chapter. New Chapter has all sorts of great products accept protein. I'm going on a diet that consists of a lot of New Chapter products but I wont give up on the meat. I hope all of those vegetarians consider what it says in the bible about eating. Of course you should always talk to a doctor before you go on anything. --------------- Posted Jul 22 2008 01:26 PM Hide PostI eat meat. You don't, thats fine. I don't care. Do what you want. But stop trying to convert me. Yeah, you are a great environmentalist because we all know in order to get vegatarian food to the store gas is not used. haha Rain forrests are being cut down to grow food for factory farms??? Yeah, and im sure tress are not being cut down in order to make room to grow your fruits and vegatables. And im sure there is no wood in the house you live in because you know trees had to be cut down for it. Water pollution from cow waste?? Yeah, because human waste is no problem and im sure you don't throw anything, Not one thing, away.--------------- I am sorry, but we were meant to eat meat. We have the teeth that say we are meant to eat meat. Also, being a vegan, I am curious, do you use leather? Leather shoes? belts? purses? coats? The answer is yes. So you would rather have that animal rotting in the field, much like the old buffalo hunters, simply for their fur and skin, rather than consuming the entire animal? Wasteful if you ask me. At least I use the WHOLE animal. Are honey bees also mistreated? Is that why vegans won't eat honey? Too painful for the bees? What about milk or butter? are the way dairy cows treated inhumane? No, it is not.... I eat VERY healthy. I don't have meat in every meal, but when I want meat, rest assured I will eat it. As to the biblical thing, do you REALLY want to use that argument? God sent adam and eve out of the garden with furs on.. What happened to the rest of the animal? God gave man dominion over animals. Why would we need dominion over something that we're supposed to ignore and not eat? God also demanded animal sacrifice. God also said not to eat animals that have a cloven hoof.... Simple common sense tells us that we're meant to eat meat. Where do you think "Hunters and gatherers" came from??? What do you think they hunte? Grain? no , that was the "gatherers" job. Hunters hunted meat. The fishes and the loaves... If God didn't want us to eat meat, do you think his son would have multiplied fishes *gasp* isn't that horror upon horrors... MEAT???!!!! I have met MANY vegetarians and Vegans, I make vegetarian meals often, and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them has been pale, thin, lethargic, has unhealthy hair, splitting fingernails, dull eyes, and a bad immune system, as they are always fighting a cold or getting over some kind of cold. Vegetarianism isn't as healthy for most as it seems to be for you... BTW, how expensive is your diet? I suspect you spend more in veggies and soy products than the average household of 4-6 spends.. Just for yourself. I do like your "supporting evidence"... One from an opinion article in California.. And another from CHINA!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! ------ NAVARRE RESPONDS Posted Jul 22 2008 01:33 PM Hide PostRomans, Chapter 14 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RAINRA Posted July 22, 2008 Author Share Posted July 22, 2008 I did answer back to them and wrote this # RAINMMA says...July 22, 2008 11:43:23 am Listen I see your some of you are angry. YOu want to justify your doing to make your feel better. You will find what ever arguement in order to win. I am not pushing you to go vegan. Nor here to be pointing fingers. Just do some research. I am not gonna stand here and argue the facts and the orwhelming evidence that shows that high meat consumption is bad for your health, bad for the environment and so on. Vegans are not perfect nor are they trying to be they want to just make a difference in the world and do what they can. It is about making choices .According to the US Department of Agriculture statistics, one acre of land can grow 20,000 pounds of potatoes. That same acre of land, when used to grow cattle feed, can produce less than 165 pounds of edible cow flesh.It takes about 300 gallons of water per day to produce food for a vegetarian, but it takes more than 4,000 gallons of water per day to create the food needed to feed a meat-eaterEvery vegetarian saves an acre of trees every year! More than 260 million acres of U.S. forest have been cleared to grow crops to feed animals who are raised for meat, and another acre of trees disappears every five seconds.After looking at 34 published studies in 16 countries, researchers at Yale University found that the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis?including the United States, Sweden, and Finland?were those in which people consumed the most meat, milk, and other animal foods.According to American Institute for Cancer Research, women who consume more than 2 ounces of red meat a day are 56 percent more likely to develop breast cancer. Those who ate more that 3/4 of an ounce of processed meat per day were 64 percent more likely to develop breast cancer.The World Cancer Research Fund completed it's review of more than 7,000 clinical studies linking diet and cancer. Consuming processed meats was found to increase pancreatic cancer by 67 percent and colorectal cancer by 50 percent. Processed meats contain sodium nitrite, a carcinogenic ingredient that increases the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body.The USDA tried to ban sodium nitrite from food in the 1970's but was vetoed by the meat industry, who insisted that the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to "ban bacon." Should I go on.... Again do some research don't just argue with Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 RIght on, Rainma!!!!! And great name, too!!!!! You should write the book. We can publish it. Check out our bestseller at http://www.survivalinthe21stcentury.com. Also do a search under books at AMAZON using my name, Richard TascaHope it Rainma's tomorrow. It will alleviate the drought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endy Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 TIGER - CARNIVOREhttp://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/Tiger_yawn_teeth_bite.jpg DOG - OMNIVOREhttp://www.puppy-training-solutions.com/image-files/dog-teeth-cleaning.jpg BEAR - OMNIVOREhttp://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/data/media/2/terrifying-grizzly-bear_4229.jpg RACCOON - OMNIVOREhttp://www.acm.vt.edu/~clint/download/imagedump/raccoon-by-nal_miama-at-flickr-275356843_bba2ef0ab1.jpg HUMAN - OMNIVOREhttp://www.healthcaretimes.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/teen-girl-teeth-smile-400a061807.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fallen_Horse Posted July 23, 2008 Share Posted July 23, 2008 TIGER - CARNIVOREhttp://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/Tiger_yawn_teeth_bite.jpg DOG - OMNIVOREhttp://www.puppy-training-solutions.com/image-files/dog-teeth-cleaning.jpg BEAR - OMNIVOREhttp://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/data/media/2/terrifying-grizzly-bear_4229.jpg RACCOON - OMNIVOREhttp://www.acm.vt.edu/~clint/download/imagedump/raccoon-by-nal_miama-at-flickr-275356843_bba2ef0ab1.jpg HUMAN - OMNIVOREhttp://www.healthcaretimes.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/teen-girl-teeth-smile-400a061807.jpg Q.F.T!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zack Posted July 23, 2008 Share Posted July 23, 2008 that racoon looks ferocious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endy Posted July 23, 2008 Share Posted July 23, 2008 Haha, I keep thinking, "Ninja Raccoon!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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