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Hey FL,


Those pictures are really cute, thanks for posting. We have lots of band members here on this forum. In fact some of the musicians here have songs featured in Vegan Fitness - Built Naturally.


Full body photos are good to track progress. I have way more than I know what to do with, but they have been really helpful over the years and fun to compare then vs. now.


Thanks everyone for posting pics. We all look great!



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Yay, Formica posts!


What do you normally play? What genre?

I play the bass, and we do nearly all covers, but we are going to be adding originals. Two of the band members (the guy in the northern rock shirt and the other woman) are also solo artists and songwriters. We cover a large range of rock songs and some Irishy/Celtic rock stuff (because we play primarily in an Irish bar). We cover songs by The Smiths, INXS, Cyndi Lauper, The White Stripes, Talking Heads, U2, The Waterboys, Sheryl Crow, The Cure, among a bunch of others. We even just added "Free Love on the Free Love Freeway", the song that David Brent plays in an ep of The Office!

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Yay, Formica posts!


What do you normally play? What genre?

I play the bass, and we do nearly all covers, but we are going to be adding originals. Two of the band members (the guy in the northern rock shirt and the other woman) are also solo artists and songwriters. We cover a large range of rock songs and some Irishy/Celtic rock stuff (because we play primarily in an Irish bar). We cover songs by The Smiths, INXS, Cyndi Lauper, The White Stripes, Talking Heads, U2, The Waterboys, Sheryl Crow, The Cure, among a bunch of others. We even just added "Free Love on the Free Love Freeway", the song that David Brent plays in an ep of The Office!


O please you didn't just say Celtic....THOSE ARE MY FAV!! Now we definitly need to hear the celtic songs! Woo hoo!


Sounds good girl. I like Cyndi Lauper and some of the Smiths and U2, the others I rarely listened to so I dunno how they sound. I got a friend that is a huge fan of The Cure and has them all on Vinyl, all their albums andstuff.


I never heard that David Brent song.

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Somehow all the pictures of me these days are done while lifting


Here's a recent favorite, taken at Sensless' place down by the pond - a clean and press with the axle.




I'm not a very photogenic man, so I may as well be lifting something heavy while getting my picture taken!



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My Hawaiian Ohana (family) pictures. Im mixed, thats why I am light and asian looking :


My cousin Tina



Thats me as a kid, and my aunt to the left on the bed



My two cousins (they just came up like last month too, they are husband and wife, she's not blood cousin but I still call her that)



Me sleeping and my cousins



My aunt and two unknown babies...




The Hawaiian Flag:


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