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Animals/Pests you hate.

Dr. Pink

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Despite being Vegan we are all human. And I am sure we all have at least one or two animals we( Although would never hurt ) Hate with a passion.


I Hate Fly's. It's like they don't understand how fucking annoying they are. Buzzing around you and landing on you. Then when you shoo them away only come back for more. Take a damn hint. Get away from me!!!

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Yeah I have nothing against any animals in particular. But where I live we get wasps and moths coming into the house especially at night, which makes it hard to sleep so I have to spend time trying to lure them outside. Also I don't like getting bitten by insects that leave an itchy bump on me, I sometimes get covered in them and it sucks. I get a little creeped out by spiders with long thin legs, or any animal with that kind of spindly build. I'm also very frightened of pretty much all sea creatures, especially (but not limited to) anything with tentacles. Luckily, I don't have to come into contact with them in everyday life, so it doesn't come up :P

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yeah man centipedes or any kind of -pede creep me out. I'm sure everyone is in agreement though that although we are irritated by or afraid of some animals, we still wouldn't smash them. I remember where I used to work there was a spider crawling along the floor, and a woman I worked with went to stamp on it. Emergency! I grabbed hold of her and pushed her across the room and held her there to allow the spider to escape. Luckily I didn't get in trouble

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I'm afraid of spiders.

My boyfriend likes them and gives them names!! Yesterday he came up to me and he was holding one. He was like "Look! A jumping spider!" And I spazzed and said "Get that thing the fuck away from me!!!" Lololol


At work there was a huge wolf spider in the sink in this one room. I seriously refused to go in there until someone dealt with it.

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roaches and palmettos, unfortunately you can't get away from them in Florida. They just creep me out, but I can't kill them, all I can do is capture them in a cupor something take them outside,and watch them turn around and come right back in. Yikes!!!


I used to live in Georgia. The Palmetto bugs are HUGE! Flying roaches!!!! Ewwwwwwww!!!!!! I moved to GA from IL and it was a shock to me. Illinois doesn't have the bugs like Georgia and Florida does.

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Dr.Pink... I recommend the movie Sharkwater to you. Sharks are quite amazing creatures that don't actually need to be feared as much as they are!


My one and only hated pest is mosquitoes... everything else I've encountered so far I can live with. I'm pretty scared of big hairy spiders but I love them anyway... they eat the mosquitoes!!

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Slugs - Snails are ok, they have a shell so you can pick them up and remove them from your plants, slugs are just slimy and squishy.

Rats - I know I shouldn't be scared of them, but I have been known to scream like a big girly man when they run in my direction. They know when you are scared of them too, and seem to get a big smile on their little ratty faces when they see a large skin head man running around like a crazy person.

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Mosquitos. Killed one last night. Thing bit me 3 fucking times while I was trying to read a book INDOORS! I shooed it away, but it kept coming back for more. Sorry, guess it's not the Vegan thing to do, but too bad. From an animal rights perspective I just assumed that my wish to not be bitten was more important than it's right to live at that moment.

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