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What I think of Vegan bodybuilding and fitness the community


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I have been in many groups both athletic and social. I would say being vegan is a true culture.. not just a lifestyle...


The people I met so far on this site not only are great people but truely pleasant to talk to. I think Robert you have really done something special here. I never been so proud to be part of such a group. This is a true family. Thanks everyone for being part of this great site and forum. Maybe one day I will go to the Vegan Mecca "Portland Oregon."


- Javier (b-boy RAiN)

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It was sooooooooooooooo cool meeting you man! Thanks for your patience as I was running around all over the place. I am so impressed with the vegan bodybuilding members here in the D.C. area!! I remember looking over and seeing about 10 forum members all meeting for the first time in person and becoming instant friends.


I'm going to make a list of all those who were there throughout the weekend. It was truly amazing and I have some new great friends.


Take this to the bank..........I will be back to D.C. again soon!!!! I love it here. I'm also staying at veganpotter's house which has been an awesome time. In addition to all the wonderful D.C. area members, Lean and Green and thendanisays spent the weekend with us.


Great times!

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