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White sugar question...?


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I know that white sugar is made white by many companies using bone char, which means it's not vegan. My question is: is it vegetarian? By vegetarian, I mean is there any animal tissue or anything like that in the sugar after it is whitened. I ask because I'm not a vegan, and although my diet is 97+% vegan (especially at home), I want to know if it's not vegetarian to eat most things made with sugar for when I'm not at home.


Domino sugar is made with bone char, and they're probably the most used (at least around where I live).


I've tried researching, but I don't know.




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I would say that this really depends on what you are comfortable with. There may or may not be actual bits of animal in the sugar, however that is beside the point unless you are strictly vegetarian for religious reasons or fear getting mad cow from the bone char.


I would say avoid it at all costs anyway, as it is absolutely horrible for you. Schwarzenegger called it the "white devil" during his training days.

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I would say that this really depends on what you are comfortable with. There may or may not be actual bits of animal in the sugar, however that is beside the point unless you are strictly vegetarian for religious reasons or fear getting mad cow from the bone char.


I would say avoid it at all costs anyway, as it is absolutely horrible for you. Schwarzenegger called it the "white devil" during his training days.


White devil, made me laugh.

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I know that white sugar is made white by many companies using bone char, which means it's not vegan. My question is: is it vegetarian? By vegetarian, I mean is there any animal tissue or anything like that in the sugar after it is whitened. I ask because I'm not a vegan, and although my diet is 97+% vegan (especially at home), I want to know if it's not vegetarian to eat most things made with sugar for when I'm not at home.


Domino sugar is made with bone char, and they're probably the most used (at least around where I live).


I've tried researching, but I don't know.





Like you said, it depends on the company whether they produce sugar that way or not. My understanding is that most white sugar these days is beet sugar, which isn't made using any animal products. Even a lot of cane sugar isn't whitened using animal bones. PETA I think has a list of sugar companies that have vegan sugar, and there should be plenty of web sites out there where you can look this information up, so there's no need to guess--at home, anyway.

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I would say that this really depends on what you are comfortable with. There may or may not be actual bits of animal in the sugar, however that is beside the point unless you are strictly vegetarian for religious reasons or fear getting mad cow from the bone char.


I would say avoid it at all costs anyway, as it is absolutely horrible for you. Schwarzenegger called it the "white devil" during his training days.


I'm not too comfortable with eating sugar in the first place, but I just wanted to know if white sugar with bone char was vegetarian because LOTS of things have sugar in them, especially in restaurants, etc. which is where my unhealthy food is eaten. The reason I'm a vegetarian is for health reasons, not really animal rights, although I'm glad that I can help as much as I do. (Non-vegan foods that I rarely eat are junk whether vegan or not {pizza, brownies, cookies, etc.}, which is the reason I'm not 100% vegan since it would be harder to eat out).


Like you said, it depends on the company whether they produce sugar that way or not. My understanding is that most white sugar these days is beet sugar, which isn't made using any animal products. Even a lot of cane sugar isn't whitened using animal bones. PETA I think has a list of sugar companies that have vegan sugar, and there should be plenty of web sites out there where you can look this information up, so there's no need to guess--at home, anyway.


I was talking about cane sugar used with bone char specifically, but your reply helped indirectly! I did a little research to look for PETA's list, but instead I found this:



They say that the bone char is not in the sugar itself and that the sugar technically contains no animal products. I know it's still not vegan, but at least I know I can eat it and still be a vegetarian. I still won't buy it though. RAW SUGAR ALL THE WAY!



Thanks for the help,


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