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Thinking about a short film regarding slaughterhouses


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I'm new here but I had this idea in my head before I found this site so here goes.


I had an idea for a short film which would play out as follows.


It depicts a young man maybe 19-25ish and it shows him on a field just looking around at the grass, sky, etc. This man isn't a man in the film but is a metaphor for a cow. He would be minimally clothed. At which point this man is taken away and put into a truck and then taken to a slaughterhouse. There'd be a shot of him in an enclosed area with other cows, where you would hear moos and what not but you would hear this man frantically saying "Mom?!" as if he is trying to find her, which is an insight as to what cows could be (if they actually do) communicating to each other.

Eventually there'd be a scene of this man going through the process that the cow goes through when it is 'slaughtered'. The man is knocked out ends up coming back into conscienceness. According to wikipedia, which isn't a reliable source but it's what gave me this idea, he's dragged and hung upside down etc then show him being cut where they usually slit the cattle to let it bleed out and die. I'd show enough blood to call it 'gory' but not to the point where it'd look like a bad horror picture. I want to depict the realism of what actually happens.

During this scene one of my shots would be from the POV of this man who is a cow and he would yet again call out his mother's name and blood is running down his eyes, in which he finally realizes what is happening.

This is the last we see of this man. The final sequences would be of packaged meat being delivered to stores, etc. I was thinking the final shot would be of people eating in McDonalds.


Reading about the slaughterhouse process is what gave me this idea, and also what made me want to become a vegan.


If you have any great ideas let me know here, I plan on writing and shooting this and it will be 5-10 minutes.

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If you show the others as cows, it might be confusing because the "cow" you're being shown the life of might seem to be displayed as different to the rest of the cows. I think the message you're trying to put across is that this is what is happening all the time, to all of them, so to me it would make sense for them to all be displayed in the same way.


With the mother, you could show her at the beginning, breast-feeding a baby, then have the baby taken away - which is what happens. And then have the mother restrained and milked. Then you can show what happens to the kid as you said, then at the end after he is dead, go back to the mother, who is impregnated again, showing that it is a cycle

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Damn I agree with both of you guys.

The idea is sound but if you want people to relate they should all be humans, but make them injured and some being dragged and shit cause thats what these horrid motherfuckers do to these soft gently poor creatures.

I fucking hate people

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