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So What are your Qualifications?


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degree in sociology and a certified personal trainer


Sociology is something that has always interested me, I do a lot of analysis of Demographics and trends in my current job and it is interesting stuff.

I'm a Huge fan of VeganFreak podcasts too, Sociology and Veganism seem to be a good fit.

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A diploma in "Travel and Tourism" from a silly little business college.


Licensed Massage Therapist with 5yrs experience (and completed my state's requisite massage education program)


Currently working on a BS in Psychology, minor in Business Administration. (and planning on grad school)

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I don't have an formal education in nutrition or anything health related. But I have read a zillion books, articles, medical journals and work away at a gym 60 hours a week [doing what I'm actually good at - taking care of the paper, numbers, and paychecks, hah].


I've been seriously considering going back to school to become a RD.

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3D animator.

Video editor, (main editor for the official MLS D.C. United Spots)


Graphic Designer and basic webdesign

Radio spot editor (worked on on MLS D.C. United Spots)



Fluent in two languages understand a bit of a third

SPANISH AND ENGLISH (use to be in French)


Independent Nutritional researcher. Plus I sit every day at work listening to 8 hours or so of nutritional lectures and recorded College classes on nutrition, biology... ect. while I do 3d work. Nutrition is my life!!! I think I can say that for many here.


Working to get personal trainning certification.


Breakdancing 9 years, Snowboarded 9 years (went to high school in Vermont with lots of snow), Pretty much played most sports (Soccer, tennis, lacrosse). I hate swimming Force on a swim team at a young age and I now swim once a year at most.


Would love to do more rock climibing, specially at the climbing gyms to start. Except I think people got to clean their feet...


Very opinionated (helps me win arguements...against omni's .... just messing)


Spent my whole life traveling which has opened my eyes to new cultures and ideas.


Love animals even though I am not so great handling them... I am working on it...

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Well hopefully after this weekend I'll be able to add personal trainer as one of my qualifications.


I was a homeschooler for highschool, and learned quite a bit more than I probably would have in public high school.


Qualifications I would like to have and will work on getting:

languages: spanish, french, italian

liberal arts degree

business degree

more traveling as that is such a good education too

love to write, and would love to be an author

I feel that things in my life are coming together, and I will be able to achieve many of these dreams/goals

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George Bush has an MBA from Yale...and an estimated IQ of 92 (gleaned from public remarks since he is the first US president who has never published anything)! I got sheepskins too, but what's your point? Dr Atkins had an MD before he died from cardiac failure...after inventing and popularizing perhaps the worst diet (broadly agreed by experts) on the planet. He told people what they wanted to hear (eat all the fat laden meat and cheese you like), and he was hailed as a genius by millions and made millions of dollars.


2/3 of college graduates in the US come from households with the top 20% of income; so if you have a degree, arguably you come from a priveledged background of money getters-whoopy do!


OK, maybe a college degree means something useful...and maybe not! It sure ain't got much to do with "qualifications."

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Dr Atkins had an MD before he died from cardiac failure...after inventing and popularizing perhaps the worst diet (broadly agreed by experts) on the planet. He told people what they wanted to hear (eat all the fat laden meat and cheese you like), and he was hailed as a genius by millions and made millions of dollars.

Well still you have to admit that the Atkins diet is pretty scientific and it works if you want to lose weight fast and still eat junk. I'm not defending it since it will pretty obvius give you cancer if you follow it long term but I find it interesting to read about ketosis and weight loss and so on. Atkins was not a stupid idiot, he was a smart one.


2/3 of college graduates in the US come from households with the top 20% of income; so if you have a degree, arguably you come from a priveledged background of money getters-whoopy do!


That truly sucks, but what does it have to do with this topic?


OK, maybe a college degree means something useful...and maybe not! It sure ain't got much to do with "qualifications."


I guess we could go into a 5 day long debate (read pissing contest) over this but let's agree to disagree.

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Interesting anecdote; it doesn't change the big empirical picture one bit.


My sister-in-law has a Phd in biochemistry; it's all she does 60-70 hours a week year after year. Like many "professionals", she can't talk knowledgably about anything except her field; to me, she knows everything about nothing. She also suffers from several chronic health problems but continues to eat the SAD because, after all, she's a Biochemist and knows dairy and meat and cooking and so on are fine. So much for "qualifications." Education, as often as not, is little more than brain washing; the more someone serves the interests of power elites, the more "qualified" they are-blah, blah, blah!


Look at the state of the world and see what our educated "qualified" rulers have achieved: endless war, looming ecological ruin, starvation amidst plenty, widespread disease and illness, and so on. I've lost track of the number of obese RDs I've met. Welcome to the theater of the absurd!

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Half way through a Music Business degree. I realized that I hated the school/town/most of the people there so I jumped ship.


I have been doing low voltage type work since I was six and that's what I'm doing now. I'm certified to take out government postal locks which normally gets you 8 years in federal prison. I just had to piss in a cup, get a background check and have my fingerprints recorded.


I want to go back to school for either law (so i can do lots of pro bono work) or economics (so I can start a financial institution that doesn't invest in large destructive corporations or corporations that test on animals, etc etc).

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Interesting anecdote; it doesn't change the big empirical picture one bit.


My sister-in-law has a Phd in biochemistry; it's all she does 60-70 hours a week year after year. Like many "professionals", she can't talk knowledgably about anything except her field; to me, she knows everything about nothing. She also suffers from several chronic health problems but continues to eat the SAD because, after all, she's a Biochemist and knows dairy and meat and cooking and so on are fine. So much for "qualifications." Education, as often as not, is little more than brain washing; the more someone serves the interests of power elites, the more "qualified" they are-blah, blah, blah!


Look at the state of the world and see what our educated "qualified" rulers have achieved: endless war, looming ecological ruin, starvation amidst plenty, widespread disease and illness, and so on. I've lost track of the number of obese RDs I've met. Welcome to the theater of the absurd!

I think that anyone claiming that a PhD in something makes them all-knowing would be a complete idiot.


Having a degree in a specific area means that you know about that specific area. If you have a PhD in English Literature, of course that is not going to mean that you know all about nutrition. Why would it? Who would claim that it would?


So I don't quite understand your point. A qualification in something means you are qualified to do that. To denigrate people's qualifications because they don't make them all-knowing or because they can still be ignorant in other areas is silly, IMO. A qualification isn't meant to erase all of someone's ignorance, so to attack qualification on the basis that it doesn't is setting up a strawman.


A person with a qualification should not be seen as better than someone without one. But that's no reason to belittle other people's effort and hard work that went into their qualifications. That's swinging too much in the other direction.


I have a PhD. I had to get one in order to do what I want to do. I worked damn hard to get my BA and my PhD. So yes, I am very proud that I did it, that I didn't give up. Does it make me wiser than other people? Does it mean I am not ignorant of other issues? Does it even mean that I'm not ignorant of issues within my own field? Hell no! But it's something I chose to do, I worked hard to do it, and I succeeded.


Having a degree and going to school is not the only way to be qualified in something or to be educated. Not at all. But why not just acknowledge that and give people who teach themselves props? Is there really a need to put down people who did go the traditional route?


You'll notice that people have posted things here other than just degrees. They have also mentioned things that they have educated themselves about. It's a positive thread for people to talk about what they consider their own qualifications, however they interpret that. For you to come in with a negative post about how qualifications are meaningless and people who get them are conforming to the system just comes across as mean.

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BA in Spanish Literature

(MA) Master of International and Public Affairs

One year studying international relations at Fudan University (in Shanghai, in Mandarin) at the MA level (didn’t go on to get a degree there)

HSK (a Chinese proficiency exam) Level 9

Six years experience teaching at colleges in mainland China

One year experience working in the NGO field

Intermediate Cantonese

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