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carbon footprint/blood footprint?


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so whats the deal. alot of people would say that buying organic is the way to go because it doesnt use pesticides and its way tastier. but if you have to ship it further you bring up gas issues on the environment and all the companies you support with the trucking industry. so now the carbon footprint has come about to measure that. a local pesticide ridden apple bought at a stand may be better for the world on the whole than an organic from south america. i dont know any statistics so really im very unaware of which would be better and also im sure it is situational.


so the question is ... does the same go with some aspects of the vegan lifestyle?

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We have the problems we do, in part, because we haven't paid attention or been able to act on what we know. I think the important things are to keep learning about these things and to keep doing what we can while staying away from perfectionism. If enough people keep asking questions, keep trying and keep asking for better products, better ways of doing things will keep coming.

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