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MaryStella's Triathlon training crossfit endurance

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15 minutes arm bike


3 rounds of

5 minute stepmill

15 decline bench situps


Run 700 meters

35 squats

Run 1000 meters

65 sqauts


jump rope - just to start working the shoulder just a couple of a a minute at a time with breaks in between


Mango Pineapple Grape Flax Smoothie

VEGA WFO w/ Coconut Water

Peanut Butter Granola + Vanilla Soy Yogurt

Tempeh Bacon

Sauteed Spinach & Cauliflower

Zucchini stuffed with Chipotle Brown Rice

Almonds and Peanuts

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@ lobsteriffic - yes you just add a chipotle pepper to the rice or you can sub chipotle chili powder too. Also it has the zucchini pulp I scrapped out of the zucchini chopped up as well as onions and carrots diced up. I like to add something sweet like raisins and also something crunchy like peanuts, Pine nuts but you don't have to. Stuff the rice mixture in the zucchini and cook it. I can send the recipe if you want it. I thought it was good. My husband said it was excellent.



2 mile run - easy pace

arm bike - 10 minutes - 3.5 miles

Shoulder Rehab lifting, row, curls,lat pulldowns, pullups, pushups, tricep extension, chest press. My range of motion is getting better and my weights are moving up. I would still consider them light but at least we're moving in the right directions (FINALLY)


2 rounds for time of

run 700 meters

35 ATG sqauts

run 1000 meters

65 ATG squats


Time 23:07


Pineapple with Coconut water

VEGA WFO w/ Coconut water

Peanut Butter Granola with Soy Yogurt

Whole Wheat Cous Cous with Black Beans, Mango, Bell Pepper

VEGA Vibrnacy Bar

Leftover Stuffed Pepper (lentils and whole wheat cous cous and veggies)

Peanuts & Chocolate Covered Raisins


So excited to watch it's always sunny in philadelphia tonight. Does anyone else on here watch that? It is my favorite show!

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I loved it, i would recommend checking it out. so funny. Didn't sleep well or much last night so tired today.




50 pullups

run 1 lap

21 pushups

run 3 laps

21 pushups

run 1 lap

50 pullups


Pushups and pullups were doing using a bar.


VEGA WFO w/ Coconut Water

VIbrancy Bar

Nuts (almonds, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts)

1/2 whole wheat veggie wrap

Peanut butter and soy granola

Eggplant stuffed with lentils, bulger & veggies

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Arm Bike - 10 minutes - level 6 -7



all lifting work is light more as shoulder stability and rehab



Bicep Curls - 10 Lb DBS - 2 x 15


Prone DB rows - 10 Lb DBS - 2 x 15


Tricep extensions - 20 lb DBS - Rope Pulldown 2 x 15


Lat Pulldowns

40 lbs 1 x 15

50 lbs 2 x 15


Rope pulls (shoulder)

15 lbs - 15

20 lbs - 15

25 lbs 15


these really felt hard on my shoulder so I only did one set

v raises 5 lb DBS - 15

rear delt raises 5 lb DBS - 15


Chest Press - 25 lbs - 2 x 15


30 minutes stepmill - level 7 - 8

3.45 miles

167 floors

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2 mile run - easy pace

Shoulder Rehab - 1 hour

Jump Rope - 10 minutes


4 rounds of

Walking Lunges w/ 20 lb DBs - 200 ft

50 situps



VEGA WFO w/coconut water

Soy Granola w/yogurt

Brown Rice

Hummus w/Roasted Yellow Beans & Cauliflower & asparagus

Vibrancy Bar

Ginger Broccoli

Tempeh Bacon


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Run 2.5 Miles

Shoulder Rehab - 1 hour

Triple Threat - 21 - 15 -9 0f

Double Unders/Pullups

Box Jumps@ 24 inch/ Squats

GHD Situps/Back Extensions


Tired and sore today.



VEGA WFO W/ Coconut water

Brown Rice, Peas, Raisins, Cashew, Broccoli, Asparagus, Onions


Hummus with Roasted Cauliflower & Yellow Beans

2 vega vibrancy bars

sesame blue chips

Tofu Scramble with Spinach and Apple

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Arm Bike - 20 minutes

Run 1 mile - recovery pace


legs still sore!


15 pullups

Run 1 lap

12 pullups

Run 1 lap

9 Pullups

Run 1 lap

6 pullups

Run 1 lap

3 pullups

Run 1 lap


VEGA WFO w/ coconut water

2 vibrancy bars


Tempeh & Gingered broccoli

Ratatoille over Kamut Pasta

Carobed Raisins and peanuts

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1 mile run - warmup page

4 x 400 intervals with 1 minute rest between

Shoulder Rehab - 1 hour - added in weighted punches and also throwing a weight ball to a trampoline and catching it.


Jump Rope


Front Squats - 65 lbs in sets of 5


I don't have my book with me so I am not sure how many sets etc on the workout

Practiced Double unders


VEGA WFO w/ coconut water


Leftover Ratatouille

Vibrancy bars

Tempeh Sloppy Joes

Steamed Broccoli


I've feeling really sore after the workouts yesterday. Haven't been getting enough sleep the last couple of nights. Also haven't been doing some of this work for awhile with the shoulder. Did the cross hand grip for the front squats and my shoulders are really feeling where the bar was resting today.

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Sore and tired. Didn't feel well all day. Got some kind of stomach flu.


Recovery workout

10 minutes arm bike

Run 1.5 miles


VEGA WFO W/coconut water

Vibrancy Bars 2

Tofu Scramble with Spinach


Soy Granola and Yogurt



Slept a lot. Just lounging now. Mostly likely going to take today as a rest day.

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Agreed, I took yesterday as a rest day. And I mean a real rest day, didn't even leave my place. I feel greatly improved but I still have a headache. Need food and things today so I am going to go out and do some errands. I'll see how I feel after that and then decide if I can get a workout in or not.


Lots of bagels in the last few days, not normally in my diet I just find they would well when I have an upset stomach.



VEGA WFO Coconut water

Banana, Nectarine, Pineapple, Flax - Coconut water smoothie

Brown Rice, Tofu, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Carrots Onions


Tofu Scramble with Zucchini, Steamed Broccoli

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Took 9.27.9 as a rest day too as I still wasn't feeling well.


VEGA WFO w/ Coconut water

Sprouted Grain Bagel

Vibrancy Bar

Vidalia Onion w/Shiitake-Hoisin stuffing

Hummus w/ Steamed Broccoli

Roasted Asparagus

Mango, Grape, Banana, Yogurt, Pineapple Smoothie





Still didn't feel right today so My only workout was 1 hour of shoulder rehab.


VEGA WFO w/coconut water

Granola w/ Soy yogurt

Hummus (Was supposed to have steamed broccoli but accidently dropped it all over the floor at work)

Vibrancy bar


Ezekiel Sprouted grain pasta w/ Raw red Cabbage, carrots and spinach - chili oil sauce


The only time my stomach is settled the last couple of days is after eating something grainy which is why I've had so many of them in my diet lately. As soon as I get over this illness I plan to cut them out.

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Yep today was my first day feeling better and back at it.


Run 2 miles - easy pace

Shoulder Rehab - 1 hour


CF WOD 3 rounds - As many reps as possible in 1 minute of each exercise with a 1 minute break between rounds




Box Jumps at 24 inches

Back Extensions

Speed Rope




VEGA WFO w/ Coconut water


Ezekiel pasta w/cabbage, carrots and spinach

Granola w/ Soy Yogurt

Tempeh Bacon, Tofu Scramble w/ Spinach & broccoli

Roasted Asparagus

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was pretty tired this morning but got some training in.


20 minutes - arm bike



warmup - jump rope - 10 minutes

10 backsquats with bar - 45lbs

15 front squats with bar - 45 lbs


Front Squats

65 x 5 x 8


Not sure what it was but my form just didn't feel there on my squats tonight. I felt that I was pushing off my one leg more than both.



VEGA WFO w/ coconut water

Granola and Soy Yogurt

Tofu Scramble with Spinach and Tempeh Bacon

Red Bell Pepper stuff with Tempeh and Barley & veggies

Vibrancy Bar

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Run 2 miles

Shoulder Rehab - 1 hour



VEGA WFO w/Coconut Water

Granola with Soy Yogurt

Pepper stuffed with Tempeh and Barley

Vibrancy Bar

Small Smoothie, grapes, Raspberries, Pineapple

Lentils and Zucchini

Steamed Broccoli

Cashews and Carob Raisins



for time:

26 walking lunges

20 pullups

50 box jumps - 24 inches

20 double unders

25 dips

20 cross kneww crunches

30 kettlebells swings at 25 lbs

20 broad jumps

25 back extensions

30 squats

30 situps


Time 13:51

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Took a POSE running class this morning. It was interesting. A got a video of my running before class where they timed out how many frames it takes to get from




Ground to Figure 4 - 4.5


Time on Ground - 7


Time in Air - 3.5


Then I learned the proper form. Did drills to practice it and got taped again and saw this improvement


Ground to figure 4 - 2


Time on Ground - 5.5


Time in Air - 5


Time is what good running would look like


Ground to figure 4 in less than 2 frames


Time on Ground 1 - 2 frames


Time in Air - 4 - 5 frames


So I did make a lot of improvement in just one session. I have drills to practice for the week and then I go back next saturday for more. Pose running is tough though when your not used to it. The drills are going to be rough.




3 round for time of


run 400 meters

15 pullups

15 squats

run 400 meteres


Rest 3 minutes after 1st round


Rest 5 minutes after 2nd round


Time 11:41 (with rest periods removed)


Then some shoulder stuff

Bicep Curls - 2 x 15 w/ 15 DBs


Tricep Extensions - 3 x 15 w/ 10 DBs, 2 x 5 w 15 DBs


Pushups - 10 (still smoked from yesterday WOD, I decide to scrap this and hit them tomorrow)


One Arm Rows - 4 x 15 w/ 25 DBs


Pullups with Grey band for assistance 3 x 15


1 inch punches with 20 LB DB - 2 x 20


External Rotation w 5 lb DB 3 x 10



VEGA WFO w/ coconut water

leftover veggie pizza

Thai Tofu Red Curry with veggies and brown rice


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