awaken375 Posted November 19, 2011 Author Share Posted November 19, 2011 Wednesday: 265lb bent row x2495 preacher curl x24150 assisted dip x21190 crunch x24 today: 305 deadlift x17130 ohp x13140 bench x2465x2 side raise x20 (+4 not full ROM)75x2 shrug x24-25 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted November 22, 2011 Author Share Posted November 22, 2011 found out that the ez-bar i was using was 35 pounds, which would explain why it was so difficult to curl with when i started using it compared to the preloaded things.. so add 5 pounds to all my preacher curls since i started doing i added 5 anyway 270 bent row x24105 preacher curl x24150 assisted dip x22 (getting heavier, i assume that makes it more difficult to raise the reps consistently)190 crunch x24 (third time same weight, the machine doesnt have anymore) the bent rows i'm doing are pretty quick and dirty. i'm going to stay at 270 for a workout or two to fix my form, and drop the weight on preacher curl to about 90 so i don't start hurting myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted November 25, 2011 Author Share Posted November 25, 2011 wednesday:305 dl x11 or 12130 ohp x14145 bench x2265x2 side raise x12 +4 faily reps80x2 shrug x24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted November 26, 2011 Author Share Posted November 26, 2011 275 bent row x24100 preacher curl x24270 assisted dip x24285 assisted pullup x1190 crunch x40 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted November 28, 2011 Author Share Posted November 28, 2011 305 deadlift x24130 ohp x24145 bench press x2465x2 side raise x24 (although most of these reps were not total range of motion, i count them because i want to)85x2 shrug x24 40 front lat raise x24 finally broke the deadlift plateau. adding weight on each of these next time. awesome workout! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 2, 2011 Author Share Posted December 2, 2011 tuesday: 280 bent row x24105 preacher curl x24255 assisted dip x15285 assisted pullup x1 1/2190 crunch x40 today: 310 deadlift x12135 ohp x24150 bench x2470x2 side raise x2490x2 shrug x2460 front raise x24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 4, 2011 Author Share Posted December 4, 2011 285 bent row x24110 preacher curl x24255 assisted dip x21285 assisted pullup x1 3/4190 crunch x40 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 6, 2011 Author Share Posted December 6, 2011 310 deadlift x16140 ohp x24155 bench x1375x2 side raise x1295x2 shrug x2470 front raise x25 - so deadlifting tonight was interesting. left hamstring failure caused an amazing experience. i've been seeing flashes of light on my 285 lb bent row, at the top of the rep. today i saw flashes of light while deadlifting and after doing 16 reps, i waited for a few minutes to do the next set, but i failed mid-pull and saw intense light, got dizzy, wondered if i was dying, and then it all melted into the music shaking. this was my queue to stop deadlifting for the night. i am not going to take a break, i believe this was a side effect of muscle failure (intense release of endorphins). my overhead press was bench i read how to do better last night so i widened the grip (elbows perpendicular to the floor at the bottom of the motion) and this made it more difficult, plus i got way more stimulation in the chest so of course i failed with fewer reps than usual (although it was a new weight).side raises are strange to me, it seems like i fail when i do them rapidly, but if i breathe enough fresh blood through the muscles i can do more reps on them. nonetheless i let it slide and considered the first time this happened a failure.the shrugs are getting hard as fuck to get done because of pulling the dumbbell off the rack, but they are still easy to do. and the front raise was funny because i did 1 rep more than i wanted to, since 1 time i wasn't sure if it was the full range of motion or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 8, 2011 Author Share Posted December 8, 2011 290 lb bent row x24115 preacher curl x24255 assist dip x24-26285 assist pullup x2 1/2190 crunch x40 tonight was run of the milli read to pull with the elbows (something i knew a few years ago, but forgot since getting back into the gym) on the barbell bent row, and haven't done that until about 280lb. i can't do that for more than a set or so, before doing the previous form (mostly arm muscles, less back). it's not so bad, i hope it catches up before i have to drop weight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 10, 2011 Author Share Posted December 10, 2011 310 deadlift x18145 ohp x22155 bench x2475x2 side raise x23100x2 shrug x2480 front raise x24 2 more deadlifts than last time, on 19 got all the way up but dropped the bar instead of locking out.front raises needed cheating form to get up, i.e. pushing w/ backwill probably drop weight on that to stay solid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 12, 2011 Author Share Posted December 12, 2011 295 bent row x24120 preacher curl x24240 assist dip x22285 assist pullup x4190 crunch x104 ive been doing 40 crunches at 8 reps a set for a couple weeks, and i decided to spice things up and do a lot. it wasn't as difficult as i thought to reach the 100 mark, and decided it wasn't worth it to do anymore, because i needed to eat protein and all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 14, 2011 Author Share Posted December 14, 2011 310 deadlift x24145 ohp x23160 bench x2075x2 side raise x22110x2 shrug x2470 front raise x24 i dropped weight on front raise since it was hard to get the bar up at 80 without momentum. still needed momentum on the 70. i'm only doing these to make ohp easier to get into start position. 145 ohp with slightly wider grip (outside end of close grip) than last time since i realized i was doing only close grip on all my lifts and that it probably isn't the best. it was hard utilizing untrained muscles, so i failed before reaching 24.. and was surprised that i did so many *flexes like anchorman* deadlift i wasnt expecting to do all 24 of. happy day for me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 16, 2011 Author Share Posted December 16, 2011 300 bent row x1995 preacher curl x24240 assist dip x24285 assist pullup x4190 crunch x48 the bent rows i did with really wide grip this time, as opposed to the previous totally close grip i was amateurly doing. i read only recently the differences between grip stances and started doing bench and bent row equally as wide as the bar is built for since that's when the bench is perpendicular to the floor for me and it's when the bent row is the same width, which keeps it in balance. so this time i actually failed.deloaded preacher curl because i was rocking back and forth on all my reps as was adding weight up to 135 and felt silly, the form is more important than the amount of weight. momentum doesn't count as muscle stimulation on the intended exercise..did all 24 dips, happy about that.1 more pullup than last time, as usual190 crunch is getting boring, so i did 1x16, 1x8, 1x24 instead of 5 sets of 8. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 18, 2011 Author Share Posted December 18, 2011 315 deadlift x24145 ohp x24160 bench x2475x2 side raise x24125x2 shrug x2450 reverse grip preacher curl x860 reverse grip preacher curl x2450 front raise x24 amazed that i did all 24 reps without failure on the deadlift. it was also much easier than i expected, also.going to start using barbells to shrug from now on.found out that the 'front raises' ive been doing are actually called reverse grip preacher curls,and also started doing front raises. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 27, 2011 Author Share Posted December 27, 2011 300 barbell bent row x25225 barbell bent row x8100 preacher curl x24225 assisted dip x14285 assisted pullup x2190 crunch x40 doing 3x8 and then 48 reps without resting for 90 seconds.. thus making it a bit more cardiovascular deloaded the barbell rows for a set after i finished so that i could check if i should drop weight since i widened the grip. focussing on elbows doing the motion for back muscles is a lot easier this way, so i'm going to probably drop the weight next time to around 285 just so that i'm not building a bad habit. i wish the dip machine assist had smaller pound increments so that i could more consistently gain strength on it. it's 15 pounds more every time but so far it is only slowing me down a little.the week off was worth it, i recovered a lot. nice to be back in the swing of things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted December 30, 2011 Author Share Posted December 30, 2011 320 deadlift x14150 ohp x19165 bench x1480x2 side raise x8130x2 shrug x2470 reverse grip preacher curl x2470 front raise x24 deadlift failed soon, the grip was maybe wider than usual at the last rep, first time i wasn't 100% on that, since my pants were baggy..took a vega electrolyte hydrator right afterward and it really energized me, the overhead presses flied during the 2nd set..and the bench press i'm still getting used to doing with my new educated form (elbows in a little) it's awkward. i'm probably going to ask a trainer to show me what to do next time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 1, 2012 Author Share Posted January 1, 2012 305 bent row x14105 preacher curl x23225 assist dip x20285 assist pullup x2190 crunch x24, 16, 16 found out how to bench press with better form, lessened grip width on the bent row to do its reverse motion, and it's a more comfortable grip than totally wide (by one segment). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 3, 2012 Author Share Posted January 3, 2012 320 deadlift x23150 ohp x24157.5 bench x2480x2 side raise x24135 shrug x24 right, 17 left deadlifts went smoothly, on the last rep i thought id be cool and go slow and steadfast but then failed due to going too slow.. lol.drank some vega gel right afterward and did 4 overhead presses. thought i failed cuz my muscles went dead, but spent a few minutes waiting for the gel to digest and then managed to do the rest. it was an amazing energy increase.the bench press was supposed to be 165 but i put 5 and 2.5 on the left side instead of 10 and 5, lol..did raises one hand at a time, slightly leaned over, and my abs got put into it as a result of this.. maybe i didnt rest long enough after the this point i was feeling exhausted, and loaded up a barbell for the shrugs (the 130lb dumbbells are officially not good enough), did all 3 sets except the 1st rep on the last set of the left arm pulled some shoulder muscle so i called it quits for the night.leg muscle spasmed a bit walking out, i think from the shrugs (and needing protein after the deadlift). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 5, 2012 Author Share Posted January 5, 2012 305 bent row x24105 preacher curl x24225 assisted dip x24285 assisted pullup x1190 crunch x 24, then 32 without much rest time between. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 7, 2012 Author Share Posted January 7, 2012 320 deadlift x24155 ohp x19165 bench x2480 dumbbell side raise x8 right arm so at this point i'm too fatigued to be motivated, and my left arm's forearm bones hurt,so i just decide to quit and go home for the night (with shrugs, reverse grip preacher curls, and front raises planned) i also had trouble doing deadlifts because of fuzziness/ringing/numb arms, at one point felt like i was about to die unless i breathed enough oxygen in. my hypothesis for this is that i wasn't getting enough sugar into my blood from my energy bar and that's because the oj i drank had gone bad, so my stomach was slowed down. i managed to do all 24 reps but it slowed me down a lot. by the time i was preparing for the bench press i wanted to lay down and go to sleep. maybe i'll finish up this workout tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 8, 2012 Author Share Posted January 8, 2012 So i did the rest of my workout that i usually do on deadlift day. dumbbell side raises 80 x16 (+16 from last night) on right side, x24 on left side135 barbell shrug x2475 reverse grip preacher curl x24 (EZ bar from now on for this)85 front raise x24 the shrugs were hard because i thought i didn't need to bring chalk in, which made my grip slippery (and it's hard as hell to grip a barbell for shrugging). the EZ bar makes reverse grip preacher curls way less angular in motion and more of a vertical affair, which makes it seem to combine better with front raises and feels like more muscles are being used. happy to be getting front raise up because i need it to catch up with the weight i do overhead press at. feeling less guilty now that i made up for almost passing out last night @ the bench. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 11, 2012 Author Share Posted January 11, 2012 310 bent row x24 or 25, lost count in last set110 preacher curl x24210 assisted dip x15190 crunch x24 + 32 real fast actually felt a burn in my crunches on 2nd to last rep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 17, 2012 Author Share Posted January 17, 2012 325 dl x19155 ohp x24170 bench x22 came home after feeling like i was tired, usually do side raises, shrugs, reverse grip preacher curls, and front raisesbut my left radius bone (forearm) is still hurting from the preacher curls and i'm not going completely wreckless on myself today.found out from some forum searching that the deadlift dizziness is from breathing lots while squatting before rep.. inhale a bunch while standing instead so the blood doesnt stay in the legs too long.still taking it easy cuz of the arm problem..but probably back on track minus preacher curls (and those other arm exercises) for day after tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted January 20, 2012 Author Share Posted January 20, 2012 315 bent row x21210 assist dip x24190 crunch x24 (3x8), 32(1x32) nothing amazing happened tonight, except for vega gel which i bought a box of and have been using. it's noteworthy i think to mention that arnold shwarzenegger's pumping iron youtube excerpt where he talks about how good he feels from lifting is similar to the feeling this gel gives me to a small degree in my vessels shortly after taking it:Warning, this isn't children friendly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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