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Eating his way to a 6-pack with 16 eggs a day


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OMG! This reminds me of a horrible dream I had the other night. I had a dream I was cracking eggs (I don't know why, but I was baking a cake or something with my sister) and there was a baby chick inside but it was dead.. I was so sad and I said "SEE? These are chicken abortions!!"


Creeeeeepy ass dream.

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I just hope not too many people will follow him by going to buy almost 2 dozen of eggs each day. And throw half of it in the garbage.


As long as there are dieticians like the one interviewed in the article saying things like "that is similar to my diet, except I only eat 10 eggs a day" and "that is like the diet I used when bodybuilding" people will follow blindly and do the same

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I bet that would make you kind of ill. haha.
when I was vegetarian I was doing this, or I was trying... it was fuckin disgusting, I was buying liquid egg whites (at least I wasnt wasting yolks) plus one or two whole eggs, and scramble this on a pan, I had to put lots of spices and eat every bite with bread also, like most people do, it's rare people who love to eat eggs just like that with nothing else. Once in a while I was swallowing a couple of raw eggs like Rocky, lol... worst than any kind of protein powder. because of the viscosity. The first time I tried I almost puked before I even bring the glass to my mouth, because of the smell and sight of this.


The other day I was browsing on the web and fell on a French article taking about vegetarianism and vegan popularity increasing and there was hundreds of hate comment, or some just ridiculous like : A diet without animal products is not healthy because it cannot provide enough energy. A person of 70 kg needs 2,300 calories per day to function normally. You would have to eat 39 carrots for this... I suggest you to start right now because it's gonna be a long day... Or you can eat 16 eggs. What a retard !! He can't even count: it's 90 carrots, or 25 eggs. Yeah, we could say, instead: you would have to eat 7 avocados, or 12 cans of tuna (2 kilos)...

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I bet that would make you kind of ill. haha.
when I was vegetarian I was doing this, or I was trying... it was fuckin ing, I was buying liquid egg whites (at least I wasnt wasting yolks) plus one or two whole eggs, and scramble this on a pan, I had to put lots of spices and eat every bite with bread also, like most people do, it's rare people who love to eat eggs just like that with nothing else. Once in a while I was swallowing a couple of raw eggs like Rocky, lol... worst than any kind of protein powder. because of the viscosity. The first time I tried I almost puked before I even bring the glass to my mouth, because of the smell and sight of this.


The other day I was browsing on the web and fell on a French article taking about vegetarianism and vegan popularity increasing and there was hundreds of hate comment, or some just ridiculous like : A diet without animal products is not healthy because it cannot provide enough energy. A person of 70 kg needs 2,300 calories per day to function normally. You would have to eat 39 carrots for this... I suggest you to start right now because it's gonna be a long day... Or you can eat 16 eggs. What a retard !! He can't even count: it's 90 carrots, or 25 eggs. Yeah, we could say, instead: you would have to eat 7 avocados, or 12 cans of tuna (2 kilos)...


Lol yeah, because all vegans eat are carrots.. Wtf.

People are dumb. There are plenty of high calorie vegan foods. I bet that idiot eats them all the time.. For example, potato chips are vegan. Most sodas are vegan. Nuts (which are LOADED in calories!) are vegan.


The people who bash veganism/vegetarianism are usually too stupid to do their research properly.

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It's just so stupid and wasteful. One egg white only has 3g of protein and nothing else. You can eat a tofu scramble and get more for less money, food and waste. Or a protein shake would be even easier. Oh and no risk of salmonella. Chickens are freaking cool and deserve more respect than that.


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