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Feel weird after eating at Subway


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I rarely eat at restaurants. Maybe eight or ten times a year, I will eat at a vegetarian restaurant and while it is not exactly healthful, I usually eat grilled tofu sandwich and a sprouted whole wheat bun with freshly prepared french fries, it is closer to whole foods/lightly processed foods than most restaurant food and when I eat there I feel fine.


Then, maybe a few times a year, I will eat an all vegetable sandwich from Subway. When I eat the Subway sandwich, I always feel weird. About 20-30 minutes after eating it and for most of the rest of the day, I feel restless yet tired at the same time. I feel flushed and I do not think as completely clearly as normal (much more easily distracted.) Also, I have pressure in my forehead area and around my eyes (not a headache but just a feeling of pressure.)


Anyone else have this experience? Any idea what it is? Just typical poor restaurant quality food – chemicals in the bread?

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I feel the same way after eating Subway. I often get some pretty bad heartburn from it, which I attributed to getting all the hot peppers.


The 20+ min crash I figured was an insulin spike/crash from the refined bread. I don't get a headache, but I also don't have a sensitivity to MSG. Do other MSG-containing foods bother you? That's what it sounds like.


Wow the amount of preservatives and colorings are crazy.

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  • 4 years later...

I've been having this same experience the last two times I ate at Subway. I wonder if the disgruntled employees put something in there. I feel lightheaded, restless, generally weird and kind of floaty and out of it. This is the second time this has happened. I will not be going back.



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In a pinch, I'll periodically get one of their veggie patty sandwiches and make sure to hold the peppers and onions. Still feel a bit bloated and heavy later . . . got to remember, their stuff is most likely anything but organic, meaning predominately cheaper GMO stuff, highly refined, and as said earlier, lots of sodium added in with other preservatives as well. The human body has a hard time assimilating such "foods" and it circulates in the body as undigested "Ama" which causes gas, heaviness, lethargy, headaches, etc. etc. I rarely eat out anymore and will simply fast for one meal if in a pinch rather than put bad stuff in my body. Fasting helps burn Ama and can be a good thing from time to time.

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Yep. Bottom line, most restaurants, "vegan" and others, are going to cut corners on ingredients and preparation to turn a profit. There is a vegan restaurant down the street from the Subway I mentioned, and the guy serves a lot of good "vegan" food, but its served "deli" style in a cold case (no telling how long its been there) and then he heats it up in a microwave. Thus, he effectively destroys whatever good qualities inherent to the food; because of his preparation, the food has almost no taste and causes the same effects as Subway. Rarely eat out anywhere nowadays.

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