MaryStella Posted July 23, 2009 Share Posted July 23, 2009 uuummmm u have huge everything. very impressive. nice work joel. cant wait 2 c where u will b in 10 weeks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 24, 2009 Author Share Posted July 24, 2009 uuummmm u have huge everything. Hahaha.. I hope so.. The workouts at the powerlifting club are getting more intense now and because my calories are getting a bit lower I'm finding I'm not recovering as quickly. It may also have to do with the cardio I've started doing this week to. I generally ride to work a few days a week but now have added 30 mins of walking or stationary bike every night too.Last night was heavy deadlifting and some assistance stuff, not a bad workout. Trunk twists - 10 x 3 setsClose grip bench - 50kg x 6 80kg x 6 x 6 setsDeadlifts - 70kg x 6 105kg x 3 130kg x 6 - thought this was my working weight but misread the program 150kg x 6 x 3 setsNarrow grip pullups - 8 x 3 setsSquats - 80kg x 6 x 3 setsGlute/ham raises - 8 x 3 setsDecline situps - 10 x 3 sets Diet - have settled into my precontest diet, it doesn't look much different to what I normally eat but I have cleaned out some of the breads and processed schnitzels etcMeal 1 - Tempeh with silverbeet, tomatoes and chia seedsMeal 2 - Homemade protein barMeal 3 - Lentils, hummus, spinachMeal 4 - Pre workout aminos, yerba mateMeal 5 - Sunwarrior, amino powder, creatineMeal 6 - Tempeh, spinach, chia seeds, alfalfa sprouts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted July 24, 2009 Share Posted July 24, 2009 whats in the homemade protein bar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 25, 2009 Author Share Posted July 25, 2009 The recipe I use was taken from Mike Mahler and changed a bit (as I always seem to do). 2-3 scoops chocolate SunWarrior protein25g flax meal ( I generally crush whole flax seeds)25g almond butter1/2 cup crushed walnutsAlmond milk - enough to give it a good consistency when mixing, I have never really measured it and just add a little bit at a time.1 tsp of spirulina powder1 teaspoon phytoplankton powder I mix everything up before adding the walnuts. I mix the walnuts in and then refridgerate.I just make them into cookie shapes and they come out nicely Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 25, 2009 Author Share Posted July 25, 2009 I forgot, I also add 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted July 26, 2009 Share Posted July 26, 2009 i like that u make them into cookie shapes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 28, 2009 Author Share Posted July 28, 2009 i like that u make them into cookie shapes Haha.. they're very rustic looking cookies.. delicious either way though. Trained last night at the powerlifting club, first weight session in 3 days, I've just been doing some plyometrics and skipping for cardio the last few days. Heavy bench sessionBench press - 60kg x 6 100kg x 3 125kg x 2 - failed on my third, am spewing because it is not really a heavy weight for me, don't think I warmed up enough for it... well that is the excuse I'm using 122.5kg x 3 x 5 sets - the last few sets were pretty good, must have been the warmup thingBoard press - 110kg x 5 x 3 sets - the second set I needed a spot on the final rep, the other two sets were okDumbell shoulder press - 35kg x 5 x 3 setsDeadlifts - 70kg x 6 x 3 setsSquats - 60kg x 6 90kg x 3 130kg x 6 x 3 sets - felt strong DietMeal 1 - Tempeh, silverbeet, beetroot (roasted), sprouted lentils, chia seedsMeal 2 - Lentil burger, hummus, spinachMeal 3 - Vega shake, cocoa nibs, acai berries, greens powder (Madre Labs Midori Greens - good stuff)Meal 4 - Pre workout shake, aminos, CarnitineMeal 5 - Sunwarrior, creatine, aminosMeal 6 - Same as meal 1 but without beetroot Start my version of Crossfit tonight (I refuse to truly associate with crossfit and their pro-meat cult-like stance) I have been doing my own circuit training for the last few years of competition and never even knew of Crossfit till I discovered some of the members here follow it. I think there is a lot of merit to the Crossfit style of training but don't like the immaturity and self righteous attitude of many of their disciples... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 29, 2009 Author Share Posted July 29, 2009 Did my first circuit style training last night, am starting off pretty slowly and should be able to build up as my stamina improves.Focused mostly on back, shoulders and arms, I need to keep my chest and legs rested for the powerlifting stuff. Bentover rows - 90kgClose grip bench press - 85kgPullups - BodyweightDips - Bodyweight Did 3 cycles of each of 6 reps and 1 min rest between rounds Sumo deadlifts - 145kgClose grip chins - BodyweightHigh pulls - 75kg 3 cycles again of 5 reps 1 min rest between rounds Tyre hits with sledgehammer - 6 reps each arm, 3 rounds with no rest in between Barbell calf raise - 65kg x 15 x 3 sets Was pretty tired after that, it's nothing like the 10 minute rests with powerlifting.Ideally I would like to use a three day split on this and superset between opposing bodyparts, i.e. chest and back - that always worked well but I'll change things around now to see how this bodybuilding/powerlifting stuff goes together. DietMeal 1 - Protein bar/cookieMeal 2 - Tempeh, silverbeet, chia seedsMeal 3 - Vega shake with cocoa nibs, acai berries and chia seedsMeal 4 - Pre workout aminos, carnitineMeal 5 - Sunwarrior shake with greens' powder, no creatine - will stay off it for a week or twoMeal 6 - Cliff bar, tempeh, spinach, hummus, lentils Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted July 29, 2009 Share Posted July 29, 2009 awesome to see some crossfit style workouts in your log. training wise they are good workouts. i am obviously not found of the diet they encourage either. but I do like that they build a culture around training. let me know if u need any help with your workouts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted July 29, 2009 Author Share Posted July 29, 2009 Thank you! I've taken some of your training methods anyway and plan to implement some of them over the next two months pre contest, you're the expert on this type of training I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted July 30, 2009 Share Posted July 30, 2009 i wouldnt say expert but i will try to help u out however i can Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 1, 2009 Author Share Posted August 1, 2009 i wouldnt say expert but i will try to help u out however i can Thank you! Didn't get a chance yesterday to write down Thursday's workout, I didn't make it to the powerlifting club as I had to work back a bit - ended up training at the garage gym again, which is ok.Still did a similar program to what I would have done anyway.Bench press - 40kg x 8 80kg x 6 x 6 setsDeadlifts - 60kg x 6 100kg x 3 130kg x 3 160kg x 6 x 3 sets - that was the heaviest I have ever done with that many repsBox squats - 110kg x 2 x 10 setsSkullcrushers - 15kg plates x 10 x 3 sets - I used two plates for a change which made the movement feel a bit different but was good.Dumbell curls - 15kg x 6 x 3 setsDecline situps - 12 x 3 setsLeg raises - 12 x 3 sets Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted August 1, 2009 Share Posted August 1, 2009 nothing wrong with the garage! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 4, 2009 Author Share Posted August 4, 2009 Nah, the garage is good, we just got a 'powertower' to do pullups and dips on. Previously I was doing pullups on a bar attached to a chain from the ceiling - I would spin around doing my sets. Trained at the powerlifting club last night, probably did myself more harm that good as I have ended up feeling weak and have a headache - must be too much cardio or not enough sleep.Am up to 45mins a day at least with cardio now, mostly cycling and skipping.Yesterday's session was heavy benching and squatsBench press - 60kg x 6 90kg x 6 110kg x 3 125kg x 2 123.5kg x 3 125kg x 3 123.5kg x 3 123.5kg x 2 123.5kg x 2 - failed on a few of my setsBoard press - 112.5kg x 4 110kg x 4 110kg x 4 - was meant to do 5 on each setMilitary press - 50kg x 6 60kg x 6 x 2 sets - was too tired to try a thirdBarbell curls - just did a couple of sets in between posing in the mirror, starting to look ok, was a little flat looking though - will have a refeed later in the weekDeadlifts - 85kg x 6 x 3 setsSquats - 60kg x 6 - that was all I did, went home early and had an early night. Diet - Meal 1 - Small bowl of walnutsMeal 2 - Tempeh, silverbeet, chia seedsMeal 3 - Sunwarrior shake, phytoplanktonMeal 4 - Pre workout aminosMeal 5 - Some more aminos, spirulinaMeal 6 - Bowl of broccoli, spinach, silverbeet, ginger and garlic with a lot of lemon. Vega shake and some more walnutsDidn't have much appetite for most of the day. Looking forward to doing those squats tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 5, 2009 Author Share Posted August 5, 2009 Had a better session last night, still feeling weak though, don't know if it's the dieting or if I have a bit of the flu or something, at least the headache is gone.Managed to get in my heavy squats and did a few other things.Incline bench - Bar x 15 60kg x 6 100kg x 3 x 3 setsPullups - 8 x 3 sets - superset with the incline pressHang cleans - 65kg x 3 x 3 setsBentover rows - 65kg x 10 x 3 sets - Superset with the cleansSquats - 60kg x 6 100kg x 3 140kg x 6 x 3 setsBarbell curls - 40kg x 6 x 3 setsSkullcrushers - 40kg x 8 x 3 sets - superset with the curls DietMeal 1 - Vega shakeMeal 2 - Lentils, silverbeet, chia seeds, walnutsMeal 3 - Tempeh, broccoli, avocadoMeal 4 - Aminos, carnitine, spirulinaMeal 5 - Sunwarrior shake with chia seedsMeal 6 - 2 protein bars, bowl of broccoli and silverbeet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted August 5, 2009 Share Posted August 5, 2009 hope u feel better soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patvirt Posted August 7, 2009 Share Posted August 7, 2009 Good log mate. I wouldn't worry too much about not coming to the club.You should go into your last comp fully prepared.You've got such a good physique you can pick up the club pretty quickly. Robert was actually nice to us and complemented my deads yesterday hahah. Seeya soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 7, 2009 Author Share Posted August 7, 2009 Thanks mate I think Wilks is coming to his senses about all of us, the improvements being made are very noticable.I'll be back there on Monday, I'm officially a member now! I trained this morning as I didn't have a chance last night. Bench press - Bar x 15 65kg x 3 x 8 setsPullups - 3 x 8 sets - supersetDeadlifts - 60kg x 6 100kg x 2 140kg x 2 180kg x 2 - felt pretty good, I might get 200 soonUpright rows - 60kg x 3 x 3 setsSkullcrushers - 40kg x 6 x 3 setsDecline crunches - 12 x 3 setsRollouts - 6 x 3 setsDumbell calf raise - 20kg x 10 x 3 sets Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patvirt Posted August 8, 2009 Share Posted August 8, 2009 200 is so close for you.You have great speed off the ground. I think I've unlocked my deads on Thursday. I've been wasting my power with such a loose grip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 10, 2009 Author Share Posted August 10, 2009 Thanks mate.Hopefully your numbers will get even higher now mate. Trained at the garage gym yesterday.Upright rows - 65kg x 5 x 3 setsPullup - 5 x 3 setsBentover lateral raises - 15kg x 8 x 3 setsDumbell curls - 15kg x 6 x 3 setsDid all four exercises back to back with no rest between all 3 rounds Box squats - 95kg + 2 minibands x 2 x 10 setsReverse hyperextensions - 10 x 3 setsDecline crunches - 10 x 3 sets DietHad a refeed day on Saturday, ate about double my normal calories and a lot more carbohydrates than normal.Felt good for yesterday's workout but was back to my strict eating again.Meal 1 - Protein bar/cookieMeal 2 - Tempeh, TVP mince, silverbeet, broccoli, macadamia oilMeal 3 - Lentil, alfalfa sprouts ( I sprouted my own for once), avocado, celeryMeal 4 - Aminos, yerba mate, carnitineMeal 5 - Vega shakeMeal 6 - Lentil burger, sinach, hummus, protein cookie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 11, 2009 Author Share Posted August 11, 2009 Trained at the powerlifting club last night, final week of the bench press intensity program, I have found my bench press getting steadily weaker with this routine, although speaking to a couple of guys who have used it before, it is normal to lose strength because of the high volume.My squats were a bit down last night too, it feels a bit repetitive doing the same stuff every week, I am thinking of using more of my programs at the club and just not letting the coach find out too much. Bench press - 50kg x 8 90kg x 3 Started at 125kg but only got a double, went back to 123.5kg and had a couple of good sets but ended up going down to 120kg (which I still only got 2 reps) by the last set because I could only get doubles at 123.5.Board press - 105kg x 5 110kg x 4 - failed on the 5th I think I went back to 105 and got 4 repsDumbell shoulder press - 35kg x 6 x 3 sets - seemed pretty easy compared to the benchingDeadlifts - 80kg x 6 x 3 setsSquats - 60kg x 6 90kg x 6 120kg x 3 145kg x 6 x 2 sets 145kg x 3 - failed to get anywhere near the fourth rep Felt better than the previous week, the diet seems ok till about mid week then my energy levels drop right down till I eat up a bit on the weekend. Seems to be working, I'll get some more pics soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 12, 2009 Author Share Posted August 12, 2009 "Bodybuilding" session at the garage gym last night, starting to really get into the dieting now, as strange as it may sound, I guess the more results I get the more motivating it is.Basically a whole body workout, minus chest because I will train for the bench press again in a couple of days. High pulls - 85kg x 5 x 3 setsPullups - 5 x 3 setsLateral raise - 15kg x 5 x 3 setsClose grip floor press - 90kg x 5 x 3 setsDid all four exercises back to back with a minute rest between rounds Dumbell front raises - 15kg x 5 x 3 setsBox squats - 110kg x 5 x 3 setsBentover rows - 90kg x 5 x 3 setsDumbell curls - 15kg x 5 x 3 setsFloor skullcrushers - 40kg x 5 x 3 setsAgain all back to back with 1 minute rest Decline crunches - 12 x 3 setsBarbell calf raises - 70kg x 15 x 3 setsLeg raises - 12 x 3 sets1 min rest between rounds DietMeal 1 - Sunwarrior custard with walnutsMeal 2 - Tempeh and tvp mince with silverbeet, alfalfa sprouts and broccoliMeal 3 - Vega shake with chia seedsMeal 4 - Amino acids, carnitineMeal 5 - Amino acids, glutamine powder, spirulinaMeal 6 - Lentil burger, hummus, spinach, small bowl of cherries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 14, 2009 Author Share Posted August 14, 2009 I didn't have time to fit in a session at the club last night, so ended up training at a different gym.Yesterday was heavy deadlifts and everything else was lighter.Bench press - 60kg x 8 100kg x 5 110kg x 3 x 6 sets Pullups - 6 x 3 setsDeadlifts - 60kg x 6 100kg x 3 140kg x 3 180kg x 1 x 3 setsBox squats (low box) - 100kg x 2 x 10 sets - wasn't meant as a speed workout, the weight was pretty heavy anywayDumbell skullcrushers - 25kg x 6 x 3 setsKettlebell curls - 16kg x 6 x 3 setsTrunk twists - 10 x 3 sets Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted August 14, 2009 Share Posted August 14, 2009 Log looking good joel. Can't wait to see how your shaping up in those pics. Glad your doing alright on the diet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted August 17, 2009 Author Share Posted August 17, 2009 Haven't had a chance to get any progress pics yet, I will in the next couple of days.Just had a small workout yesterday.3 cycles of the followingSumo Deadlifts - 140kg x 5Pullups - x 5Wide grip upright rows - 70kg x 5Dips - x 5 Decline crunches - 10kg x 15Barbell calf raises - 70kg x 15Leg raises - x 15 Diet is going well, am down to 83-84kg and aren't suffering too much. Meal 1 - Protein cookie/barMeal 2 - Spirulina, amino acids, Nitrofusion Meal 3 - Lentil burger, alfalfa sprouts, chia seeds, spinachMeal 4 - Tempeh, spinach, avocadoMeal 5 - Amino acids, Yerba mateMeal 6 - Vega shake, chia seeds, creatineMeal 7 - Lentil burger, spinach, avocado Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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