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Ok so I'm a total newbie, I've never posted to an internet board before, and I just became vegan, actually I just became a totally raw vegan dieter. I'm nervous about the whole thing actually but here we go. I'm a 32 year old male from Portland OR, I have been a meat eater, and anything else eater, my whole life until about two weeks ago when I did the Stanley Burroughs lemonade fast that has gained recent publicity. I have always worked out some way or the other and have maintained a fairly good physique. I am currently 6' 3" and weigh in about 185lbs. I have gotten to the point of weighing in at 230 and having only 7% body fat, but that was on a diet that I cannot even conceive now. So I guess i am just wanting to be that size again but in a cleaner way. I heard spirulina is the way to go for the best protein, but I have a ton of unanswered questions rolling in my head about this new life of fitness. Thanks for having a site like this, it takes some of the anxiety away from all of it.



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Welcome to VBB. LocalBrada and theDaniSays are right. LeanandGreen has so much knowledge of spirulina. He answered a lot of questions I had about it. After I tried it, I didn't like it. There are some people that like it and some that don't. I know that LeanandGreen is endorsing http://www.veganproteins.com/ right now. This is a product he uses for protein. I haven't tried it yet but I plan to. I really like Smoothie Infusion http://sequelnaturals.com/en/vega/products/whole-food-smoothie-infusion/features-benefits . I add it to my fruit smoothies daily. Its really good stuff. I know you will find some valuable information on this forum like I have. Hope to see you around.

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Get in on the Vegan Deal 2 Spirulina at VeganProteins.com -- LeanandGreen is running that deal and it's fab! GREAT source of raw protein with micronutrients up the wazoo. I didn't know how awesome it was until he wrote about it on the site. Welcome to the site! It's a great place, don't worry, you'll get there green, clean, and compassionATEly!

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Ok so I'm a total newbie, I've never posted to an internet board before, and I just became vegan, actually I just became a totally raw vegan dieter. I'm nervous about the whole thing actually but here we go. I'm a 32 year old male from Portland OR, I have been a meat eater, and anything else eater, my whole life until about two weeks ago when I did the Stanley Burroughs lemonade fast that has gained recent publicity. I have always worked out some way or the other and have maintained a fairly good physique. I am currently 6' 3" and weigh in about 185lbs. I have gotten to the point of weighing in at 230 and having only 7% body fat, but that was on a diet that I cannot even conceive now. So I guess i am just wanting to be that size again but in a cleaner way. I heard spirulina is the way to go for the best protein, but I have a ton of unanswered questions rolling in my head about this new life of fitness. Thanks for having a site like this, it takes some of the anxiety away from all of it.




Hi Wolf Welcome to the team. Great to have you here.


I'm raw myself for the past 3 years now. No need to be shy about it A lot of ppl from Portland workout in the 24 hr fitness. Also for Spirulina check out Lean and Greens website


All the best

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