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Question about high protein vegan diet for women

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Ok, induldge me here, cause I know I could probably find this info here if I dug around a bit, but I'm wondering what those woemn who are getting great results with lowering bodyfat eat typically; what, how often and how much.


Can't afford to pay for this info at the moment (house in foreclosure, about to be evicted), as I know VP and others sell this info. But can someone just give me a simply daily breakdown?


I have gotten good results over the past 5 months with working out and figuring the diet thing on my own, going from a size 10 to a 6, but really want to blast off those last fat pounds and get to a lean size 4, which is really my ideal.


Thanks for your consideration!!

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When I was leaning out for the abs contest (I dunno if you've seen my pics but I got really lean)

My daily menu was as follows:



Breakfast: Vega smoothie: 1/2 scoop chocolate vega, one frozen banana, about 1 1/2 cup of almond milk blended


Mid morning snack: Apple or raw carrots with hummus (home made)


Lunch: A big salad with seeds, sometimes quinoa salad, a banana


Afternoon snack: Nuts and dates


After work: Green smoothie with kale, hemp protein, juice, berries


Dinner: Variable.. Usually tofu and veggies, or whole grain pasta with homemade sauce.


Before bed: Tea


I drank a ton of water throughout the day and kept my portions small. I was on a mostly raw diet as you can see, but foods like oatmeal are really great too. I live for oatmeal ^^

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Thanks, Marcina. Thats exactly what I was looking for. I would love to see your pics-where are they? I will post some as soon as I take some new ones. I am really loving this way of living-the results are really blowing my mind. I wish someone (a woman, for women) would write a book on vegan bodybuilding, with the diets, etc. Just cause it would be so inspiring!



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