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what are some realy Filling fooods?

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hey everyone, i was just wondering what foods are really filling when trying to loose weight. I am still 5'4 and 140pounds. i realy just want to loose 20. in order to do that i have to eat like 400 calories less. from 1900 to 1500. I struggle alot because i am hungry. Especially in the afternoon and the evening. Im starting to think loosing weight is impossible. Any advice? Filling foods? words of wisdom?

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More vegetables! Sneak them into everything. Or, if you don't want to change up your recipes, eat two servings of raw fruits or veggies before each meal or snack, then gauge how hungry you are, and eat accordingly. You'll get full faster that way, at least.


Drink a bunch of water, too. I have a hard time finishing any of my meals because I love to drink so much water!

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Yeah oatmeal might be filling for a couple hours, but if she's like me she will be starving after that. Plain Mother's Natural rice cakes. It has like 35cals, 7g carbs, 0gfat, 1g protein. They will fill up your belly without all the calories.


Quinoa always fills me up.

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Have to agree...for me it is all the grains...probably because they are high in dietary fiber...


If you want a list of foods that'll fill you...you can go to the Nutritional Target Map Search on nutritiondata.com. Just click in the area you desire (e.g. high fullness and highly nutricious)...and you get a list of foods that fulfill those requirements.

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beans, beans, beans!! They are the vegan "meat" to me. I LOVE them and feel so satieted on them. Like Robert said, in wraps, burritos, salads, soups, tostadas....I eat edamame steamed daily as a snack.


Brenden's thrive diet suggests beans as a main component, after fibrous veggies. works for me!

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