steffapeppa40 Posted September 2, 2009 Share Posted September 2, 2009 It will get you more girlie pushups. And I certainly don't want that! I want to be tough and be able to crank out the cool kind of push-ups. Okay I tried to do it really slowly but I can't lower myself very far. If I go too far then I can't get back up. I'll make a point of doing negatives every evening while I'm doing my stretching before bed. Hey I was so so so struggling with this Yoga X workout where you had to do tons of these pushups with your arms(Vinyasa?) really close to your sides and up into upward dog.....and every time I would try.... and fail....and fall - sometimes literally on my face (we have soft mats)....and feel weak.... and curse.... . Then, one day I just did it. Out of the blue!...I was like, "WHA? I was supposed to bottom out here!".....and I was able to do it repeatedly (probably because it gave me such a rush). It wasn't easy and they still aren't. My husband still makes fun of the sounds that I come out with. My point is, you will get there! Allow yourself to rest. In the other workouts I am trying to do less 'girlies' and ya, I feel a bit cooler even tho I can't do too many and I can't do them perfectly and effortlessly yet. I just wanna do one unassisted pull up still! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 3, 2009 Author Share Posted September 3, 2009 Wednesday, September 2nd: Workout: Superset day! Goblet squat // DB RDL35 x 8 // 30 x 835 x 8 // 30 x 835 x 8 // 30 x 8 DB Shoulder Press // Lateral Raise15 x 8 // 8 x 817.5 x 8 // 8 x 817.5 x 6 // 8 x 8 One Arm DB Row // DB Bench Press25 x 8 // 25 x 825 x 8 // 25 x 825 x 8 //25 x 8 Running intervals:Walk 3 min @ 5.5 km/hRun 5 min @ 10 km/hWalk 3 min @ 5.5 km/hRun 5 min @ 10 km/hWalk 3 min @ 5.5 km/hRun 5 min @ 10 km/hWalk 5 min @ 5 km/h This was still hard, but easier than Monday - yay! Cooled down with some stretching Diet:Post-WO: protein powder + water; oatbran with agave + cinnamonLunch: salad with spinach, romaine, radish, tofu, quinoa, and balsamic vinaigrette; orangeSnack: snap peas, cucumber slicesSnack: 2 peachesSupper: refried beans + salsaSnack: peach I still haven't gone to the store so I still don't have bananas in the house (which I usually have first thing in the AM before my workout). I worked out today on an empty stomach and it seemed to be fine. I didn't feel any weaker. I signed up for a 5K today - the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run for the Cure. It's not a competitive timed race though. It's just raising money for breast cancer research. It's on October 4th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aluck Posted September 3, 2009 Share Posted September 3, 2009 Thats sweet! I love benefit runs!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 4, 2009 Author Share Posted September 4, 2009 Thursday, September 3rd: Workout: Went for a bike ride this AM that was just short of 7 miles...took me about 50 min. Diet:Post-WO: tofu scramble with onion, broccoli, carrot, mushrooms, and spinach; orangeLunch: salad with romaine, chickpeas, broccoli, carrot, radish, snap peas, and balsamic vinaigrette; orangeSupper: braised cauliflower, chickpea soup; mango "sorbet" (frozen mango + agave + food processor)Snack: some juice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octopussoir Posted September 4, 2009 Share Posted September 4, 2009 If you want to improve pushups do them a certain way that WILL make you stronger. Instead of starting with your arms locked and in the air, start on the floor and pushup from there(whether on knees or toes). I call them floor pushups cause of where you start. This will def improve your strength in no-time. Try it on your knees first cause they are a little harder. Just make sure you lower yourself slower than normal and relax your arms and shoulders after each one. Reg pushups are endurance and this is a strength builder! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 4, 2009 Author Share Posted September 4, 2009 Awesome, thanks for the tip! I'll try those out tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 5, 2009 Author Share Posted September 5, 2009 Friday, September 4th: Workout: DB Bulgarian Squats:30 x 832.5 x 832.5 x 8 Good Mornings:45 x 895 x 895 x 895 x 8 Assisted Chin-ups:50 x 450 x 450 x 4 Push Press:40 x 840 x 840 x 5 BB Row:50 x 850 x 850 x 8 Bench Press:65 x 865 x 865 x 8 I didn't do cardio after weights like I had planned. I kept making excuses not to and I fell for it. *sigh* Later on I did 15 floor push-ups on my knees (3 sets of 5). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted September 5, 2009 Share Posted September 5, 2009 glad your tried the floor pushups. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 6, 2009 Author Share Posted September 6, 2009 Saturday, September 5th: My God. I went on the bike ride of death this morning. It was 16 miles, but 6.5 of those miles were on this HORRIBLE road outside of the city. I thought it would be nice and scenic...that it was. But the road had a severe washboard problem and a lot of loose gravel so you couldn't go very fast. Oh yes, and the many hills! There were a few times I wanted to turn around and go back but I persevered. On the way back I didn't know if I was going to make it...but I kept thinking about how awesome I'd feel afterward when I could say that I finished the ride. It took me 2 hours...1 hour of that was on the bad road. In the evening I did some stretching and 20 floor push-ups on my knees (4 sets of 5) Post-WO: banana, protein powder + soy milkLunch: salad with greens, tofu ricotta, roasted tomatoes, balsamic asparagus, and olives; peachSnack: cherries, nectarineSupper: tofu & peppers with brown rice; pear, more cherries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EliteDad Posted September 6, 2009 Share Posted September 6, 2009 Looking good girl, glad to see things are still going well!!! So how is the married life??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 6, 2009 Author Share Posted September 6, 2009 So far so good - we just had our 1 month anniversary! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vivalasvegans Posted September 6, 2009 Share Posted September 6, 2009 How do you like those floor push ups? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 6, 2009 Author Share Posted September 6, 2009 They're HARD! I suck so bad at push-ups. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 7, 2009 Author Share Posted September 7, 2009 Sunday, September 6th: Rest day. Went to the beach. The weather was kind of crappy so I mostly laid on the sand reading a book. Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana, blueberries, pb, flax, agave, and soy milkLunch: chickpea salad; pearSnack: strawberriesSupper: leftover tofu and peppers with brown rice; cherries, peach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 7, 2009 Author Share Posted September 7, 2009 (edited) I've decided to switch up my full body routine. I'm still going to lift 3 days a week, but one day will be strength training (5x5), one day will be hypertrophy training (3x9) and the third day will be endurance training (2x20). It's based on this routine, with some slight modifications: Day 1 - StrengthNegative Chins supersetted with Squats (5x5)Standing DB Shoulder Press supersetted with Single-Leg DB Deadlift (5x5)Ab wheel (5x5) Day 2 - HypertrophyIncline DB Bench Press supersetted with Sumo Deadlift (3x9)Single-Arm DB Row supersetted with Bulgarian Split Squat (3x9)Inch worms (3x9) Day 3 - EnduranceSingle Leg Squat supersetted with High-Incline Body Weight Row (2x20)Steep Angle Push Up supersetted with Single Leg Hip Pop-Up (2x20)Stability Ball Crunches supersetted with Stability Ball V-Ups (2x20) Since the gym is closed today for Labour Day, I'm starting on Wednesday with Day 2. Edited September 7, 2009 by lobsteriffic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vivalasvegans Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 That looks like fun, especially since you get to do something called "sumo." You wearing padded bike gloves? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 7, 2009 Author Share Posted September 7, 2009 No...I think what I really need are some padded cycling shorts, my butt gets really sore! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thendanisays Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 I cannot cycle. I'd've been the wimp that turned around. Power to you chica! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 8, 2009 Author Share Posted September 8, 2009 Monday, September 7th: Gym was closed due to Labour Day so I went for a bike ride this morning...11 miles. It took me about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Originally I had planned to go 17 miles, but my legs were still quite sore from Saturday's ride and there was a pretty strong head wind. I didn't think I'd make 17 miles. In the evening I did some floor push-ups, some shoulder and arm exercises with some DB's I have hiding in a corner of the basement, and some stretching. Pre-WO: protein powder + water; bananaPost-WO: oats with protein powder, pb, flax, agave, and soy milkLunch: chickpea salad with cucumber, radish, carrot, and pb dressing; pear + peachSnack: orange, peanutsSupper: baked tofu, corn on the cob, stuffed poblano; peach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 In the evening I did some floor push-ups, some shoulder and arm exercises with some DB's I have hiding in a corner of the basement, and some stretching. At least the dumbells came in handy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 new routine looks good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 9, 2009 Author Share Posted September 9, 2009 Tuesday, September 8th: Went for a ~7.6 mile bike ride in AM...took me about 55 min. or so. I wish I had time for longer bike rides during the week but I don't. Post-WO: oats with protein powder, pb, agave, flax, psyllium husk, and soy milk; nectarineLunch: chickpea salad with radish, cucumber, carrot, and pb dressing; orangeSupper: tofu omelet with broccoli, chard, spinach; orange, nectarine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 10, 2009 Author Share Posted September 10, 2009 Wednesday, September 9th: Incline DB Bench supersetted with Sumo Deadlifts:15 x 9 // 45 x 922.5 x 9 // 65 x 925 x 9 // 85 x 925 x 9 // 85 x 9 One Arm DB Row supersetted with Bulgarian Split Squats:27.5 x 9 // 30 x 927.5 x 9 // 30 x 927.5 x 9 // 30 x 9 Inch Worms:3 sets of 9 Stretching I am going to need to rethink my cardio plan. I'm not going to be able to do running after these full-body workouts with supersets, I'm just too exhausted afterward. I'll have to work it in on other days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted September 11, 2009 Author Share Posted September 11, 2009 Thursday, September 10th: Ran intervals in the morning: Walk 5 min @ 5.5 km/hRun 8 min @ 10 km/hWalk 5 min @ 5.5 km/hRun 8 min @ 10 km/hWalk 5 min @ 5 km/h Followed by 14 negative push-ups (2 sets of 7) and some stretching Running wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now that classes have started the gym is busy in the mornings (I work out at the university...access to the gym is included in our tuition). It sucks...I'm used to there being only a handful of people in the entire building. Now you have to wait for equipment. *sigh* Post-WO: shake with protein powder, flax, psyllium husk, frozen peach/strawberry/blueberries, and soy milkLunch: salad with greens, radish, cucumber, carrot, chickpeas, and pb dressing; appleSupper: cauliflower tofu fritatta, broccoli, mixed greens with pb dressing; strawberries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joelk Posted September 12, 2009 Share Posted September 12, 2009 Followed by 14 negative push-ups (2 sets of 7) and some stretching Is your chest sore now?Negatives always make me suffer for days after Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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