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World Class Natural DeadLift?

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IPF world records:



As far as I know IPF is the federation that is most serious about testing their athletes, so I think that is about as close to official natural results as you get. Of course these are equipped lifts, but it could still give a rough estimate of what would be a good result I think since the equipment doesnt add extreme amounts on the deadlift.

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I guess the issue with the question is, world-class is subjective.


To me, a 700 lb. deadlift is world-class for someone who is 220 lbs. and under. Plenty of guys in the 231 and up weight classes have pulled that number, so in my eyes, world-class at that weight would require a lower body weight to make it so that it's awesome in comparison to other lifters. Personally, to me a 700 lb. deadlift is exceptional at any body weight, but in competition, if you lift above 220 lb. weight class in a decent powerlifting comp, you're probably not going to be the only one pulling 700. For a superheavy 300+ lb. lifter, 700 is the low end of respectable and won't put someone in that class in contention for top deadlift by any means. So, it's a tough thing to say - if you're looking at it from a non-competitive standpoint, a 700 lb. deadlift is impressive whether you're 100 or 400 lbs. in bodyweight. From a competition standpoint, 700 is only going to be world-class if you're a lighter bodyweight lifter is just about any federation.


There are about a thousand powerlifting federations, so there are a thousand different records out there claiming to be the top in the game. IPF, as Bronco mentioned, is as good of a base as any as they use minimal equipment, are international and are very heavily drug-tested (not that such a thing means the competitiors are all clean, but there are fewer people who rely on massive amounts year-round who will compete in the IPF). I'm sure a good number of people have hit 700 raw and drug-free over the years, but most of them are probably on the heavier side as finding people in the lower 200s or under that pull 700+ are pretty rare to come across.

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