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Help!!! In need of a raw competition diet

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Been a while since I've posted...=(

I've agreed to do some modeling in the coming months, and have been slowly transitioning to being raw...problem is I got sick again and haven't been training or on a diet...the good news is that I believe my health issues are gluten related so I've eliminated gluten from my diet...yippee

I'm new to raw though...currently striving for 75% and need to know how to set up a raw competition (type) diet to lean out, drop body fat and get back into shape so i feel good for my photo shoots...


not sure how to get enough protein and keep my calories semi low and carbs moderate...


any help would be appreciated.

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Hey, cool that you'll be doing some modeling.


Can I ask you why you're interested in a raw diet? Just curious, not meaning to sound condescending or anything like that, just curious.


My general advice is to focus on plant-based whole foods and be accountable for what you're taking in and be consistent with a nutrient-dense program. I would include a mixture of raw and cooked foods unless you have some strong feelings towards not eating cooked foods.


All the best! Hope everything goes well.

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I would just like to eliminate a lot of processed foods from my diet....and since I can't have gluten anymore that does a lot of it for me. I'm not looking to go 100% Just maybe 75-85%.

I love the sun warrior protein but can't alway afford to buy it...so I'm at a loss as to how to get enough protein...currently nuts and such are banned from my house since I overdo it with them and it's best not to have the temptation around

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I would just like to eliminate a lot of processed foods from my diet....and since I can't have gluten anymore that does a lot of it for me. I'm not looking to go 100% Just maybe 75-85%.

I love the sun warrior protein but can't alway afford to buy it...so I'm at a loss as to how to get enough protein...currently nuts and such are banned from my house since I overdo it with them and it's best not to have the temptation around

I'm not a raw foodist, but do you sprout beans to get protein. If you want to go 75-85% raw can you eat TVP for protein? Sorry if my suggestions sound stupid.
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I'm looking for the same thing!! I have been for about 2 years now! But last night I was up through a storm and found on vegsource.com that Dr. Doug Graham has a thread titled "Raw Foods and Sports Nutrition." He has two books out "80/10/10" and "Nutrition and Athletic Performance." I just ordered the former book today. I'm hopeful though. He says he's helped bodybuilders/figure competitors. Hope this helps.

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Raw Power by Stephen Arlin


I don't know if this book is any good, but someone on another website recommended it. I believe the author was a bodybuilder.

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