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Doing dips!


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If all else fails, you could probably build a pair of dip bars for under $50 with supplies from somewhere like Home Depot or Lowes. Make a 4x4 or wider base with supports to keep it from tipping, get some 1.25" pipe put through it with a few elbows to make the inverted U shape and you could make one that would hold 500 lbs. easy. That, or if anyone has a bit more to spend I could always find the price from a guy I know who makes them in his metal shop, which would probably be half to 2/3 the cost of what they normally run and just as strong!



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The price for the home-made one is just an estimate - I'm sure that if you could find some scrap wood for the base supports (even a mass of 2x4s screwed together the right way could be enough) you might be able to do the whole thing for half that. Too bad that I didn't check pricing on pipe when I was at Hope Depot just a few hours ago or I could have known for sure.


Option # 2 might be to get a pair of sawhorses, reinforce the bases a bit, widen the top with a 4x4 and put the pipe in there - that way you're buying less pipe and more with wood, which would probably be cheaper. That way you could also alter the angles as well if you want to vary between parallel and angled dips, too!

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I used to use the corner of the kitchen counter. It forces you to keep your elbows out which is harder but really hits the chest hard.


Good idea. I never thought of doing them on non-parallel bars before. Until today I just did a bunch of dips on corner (perpendicular) bars at the playground

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How about power rings? http://ringtraining.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html

Would be harder than regular dips which would be a good thing for Bigbwi as I'm sure he can handle it. Could instead just get a couple of ropes and a tree. (Well maybe.)


I'm thinking about buying those though so I can do muscle ups and practice iron crosses, plancks (sp) (along with front levers, dips and chins.)

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Here's another: One arm dips. Use a kitchen/bathroom counter or something real solid and support your body with one hand while putting the other hand out straight away from you against a wall to stop from falling over. I tried this today. I couldn't complete a whole dip but I could hold the lockout position for 30 seconds or so. Could only go halfway down and still make it up. This is like (almost) a double bodyweight dip so you have to be pretty strong for it.

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