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By: John Erb

I wondered if there could be an actual chemical causing the massive obesity epidemic, so did a friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research assistant at the University of Waterloo, and spent years working for the government.


He made an amazing discovery while going through scientific journals for a book he was writing called The Slow Poisoning of America. In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies.


No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the scientists have to create them. They make these morbidly obese creatures by injecting them with MSG when they are first born. (How cruel is that?) The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats (and humans?) to become obese; they even have a title for the race of fat rodents they create: "MSG-Treated Rats"


I was shocked too. I went to my kitchen, checking the cupboards and the fridge. MSG was in everything! The Campbell's soups, the Hostess Doritos, the Lays flavored potato chips, Top Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared meals, Kraft salad dressings, especially the 'healthy low fat' ones. The items that didn't have MSG had something called Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children everyday are filled with this stuff. They hide MSG under many different names in order to fool those who catch on. (If you're still eating the Standard American Diet, i.e., S.A.D., you might want to serious begin considering upgrading your diet.)


But it didn't stop there. When our family went out to eat, we started asking at the restaurants what menu items had MSG. Many employees, even the managers, swore they didn't use MSG. But when we ask for the ingredient list which they grudgingly provided, sure enough MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein were everywhere. Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant, even the sit down ones like TGIF, Chilis', Applebees and Denny's use MSG in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy. No wonder I loved to eat that coating on the skin, their secret spice was MSG! (gross, Gross, GROSS!!)


So why is MSG in so may of the foods we eat? Is it a preservative or a vitamin? Not according to my friend John. In the book he wrote, an expose of the food additive industry called The Slow Poisoning of America, www.spofamerica.com, he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body. Even the propaganda website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby group supporting MSG at: http://www.msgfacts.com/facts/msgfact12.html explains that the reason they add it to food is to make people eat more. (people are addicted to junk food like they're addicted to cigarettes)


A study of elderly people showed that people eat more of the foods that it is added to. The Glutamate Association lobby group says eating more benefits the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of us?


'Betcha can't eat just one', takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is concerned! And we wonder why the nation is overweight? (S.A.D.)


The MSG manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts people to their products. It makes people choose their product over others, and makes people eat more of it than they would if MSG wasn't added. Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity, it is an addictive substance! (If it's 's addictive, it's a drug, a bad drug )


Since its introduction into the American food supply fifty years ago, MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to the prepackaged meals, soups, snacks and fast foods we are tempted to eat everyday. (Get off the S.A.D. and no more temptations.)


The FDA has set no limits on how much of it can be added to food. They claim it's safe to eat in any amount. How can they claim it is safe when there are hundreds of scientific studies with titles like these?:


The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study of exercise in obesity.

Gobatto CA, Mello MA, Souza CT, Ribeiro IA. Res

Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002


Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced hypothalamic serotonin release in both normal and monosodium glutamate-obese rats.

Guimaraes RB, Telles MM, Coelho VB, Mori RC, Nascimento CM,

Ribeiro Brain Res Bull. August 2002


Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats: an animal model of multiple risk factors.

Yamamoto M, Iino K, Ichikawa K, Shinohara N, Yoshinari

Fujishima Hypertens Res. March 1998


Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of monosodium glutamate in suckling period and subsequent development of obesity.

Tanaka K, Shimada M, Nakao K, Kusunoki Exp Neurol. October 1978


Yes, that last study was not a typo, it WAS written in 1978. Both the medical research community and food "manufacturers" have known MSG's side effects for decades! (And they ain't telling either.)


Many more studies mentioned in John Erb's book link MSG to Diabetes, Migraines and headaches, Autism, ADHD and even Alzheimer's.But what can we do to stop the food manufactures from dumping fattening and addictive MSG into our food supply and causing the obesity epidemic we now see? (I repeat, get off the S.A.D.)


Even as you read this, George W. Bush and his corporate supporters are pushing a Bill through Congress, and it's called the: "Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act"also known as the "Cheeseburger Bill". This sweeping law bans anyone from suing food manufacturers, sellers and distributors. Even if it comes out that they purposely added an addictive chemical to their foods. (Your Personal Responsibility: Quit Using Your Mouth As a Garbage Disposer!)


Read about it for yourself at:



Last month the House of Representatives passed the "Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act" to protect the food and beverage industry from civil lawsuits. Under the measure, known as the Cheeseburger Bill, "people who buy food or drinks couldn't sue the companies that made them, the stores that sold them or the restaurants that served them if they got fat from the products, so long as the products met existing laws. The Senate is expected to take up a similar bill later this year."


The Bill has already been rushed through the House of Representatives, and is due for the same rubber stamp at Senate level. It is important that Bush and his corporate supporters get it through before the media lets everyone know about MSG, the intentional Nicotine for food. (Scary...)


Several months ago, John Erb took his book and his concerns to one of the highest government health officials in Canada. While sitting in the Government office, the official told him: "Sure I know how bad MSG is, I wouldn't touch the stuff!" But this top-level government official refused to tell the public what he knew. The big media doesn't want to tell the public either, fearing legal issues with their advertisers. (It's all about the money) It seems that the fallout on the fast food industry may hurt their profit margin.


So what do we do? The food producers and restaurants have been addicting us to their products for years, and now we are paying the price for it. Our children should not be cursed with obesity caused by an addictive food additive. But what can I do about it? I'm just one voice, what can I do to stop the poisoning of our children, while guys like Bush are insuring financial protection for the industry that is poisoning us. (I agree that everyone should take personal responsibility as to what goes into their bodies, it doesn't give the food processors carte blanche to poison and addict their target market, regardless of how ignorant they are!)


If you are one of the few who can still believe that MSG is good for us, and you don't believe what John Erb has to say, see for yourself. Go to the National Library of Medicine, at http://www.pubmed.com. Type in the words "MSG Obese", and read a few of the articles for yourself. (Will those who don't believe it actually take the time to prove themselves wrong?)


We do not want to be rats in one giant experiment, and we do not approve of food that makes us into a nation of obese, lethargic, addicted sheep, waiting for the slaughter. (Don't wait for the slaughter, get out of the fast food line. Simple, proactive, and effective.)


With your help we can put an end to this, and stop the Slow Poisoning of America. Let's save our children. (John Erb

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how come the countries with the biggest intake of MSG have the lowest obesity and other "MSG Related" illnesses....?


i think this is just another example of people trying to find something else to blame for their own failings...

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the most ubiquitous use of Monosodiumglutamate is in east asian foods and that is one area that certainly doesn't have the same problem with bowel cancer, obesity and other "eating*" related "illnesses"





*eating= lack of will power/laziness in most cases.

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I agree with Jza.

Researchers are always trying to find the single element that makes us fat an sick, may it be hydrogenized fat, meat, dairy, sugar, starch, etc.

The problem according to me is the overall picture. We're just stuffing ourselves full of poop and sitting still whilst doing it.

I know that Bigbwii are well aware of this and is trying (as most people that are aware) to get out of it. And I agree strongly with him that when you stop being a garbage bin you can feel the difference.

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Well last I checked 2.8 billion people were living on the US purchasing power equivalent of less then 2 dollars per day. Perhaps living on the edge of starvation better explains why they aren't fat then this idea that Americans are just natural pigs or whatever.


As far as "living in a society where excess=success" usually in very poor areas where starvation is common, the fatter you are, the more beautiful you are considered to be.


Also I doubt that 4 billion people on this planet have access to processed things like MSG. I doubt most asians have access to it at all.

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i agree with what jza said, too. whether or not you're overweight is almost entirely dependent on calories in/calories out. if there are more calories coming in than you're using, you're going to put on weight.


but, there are some foods/additives that make it hard to eat only what is necessary. reading articles about high fructose corn syrup (hfcs) and watching supersize me are some examples of why i believe this.


here's an article on hfcs:

High-fructose corn syrup fueling obesity epidemic, doctors say

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Well last I checked 2.8 billion people were living on the US purchasing power equivalent of less then 2 dollars per day. Perhaps living on the edge of starvation better explains why they aren't fat then this idea that Americans are just natural pigs or whatever.


But, what about the fact that America's poor are no less susceptible to obesity than those who have more money? Due to this, it is better to look at the connection between our eating of fast food and cheap processed crap than any single ingredient because I'm willing to bet that's the greatest cause. Why is it that the cheaper food products are, the less they contain for natural ingredients and the higer in saturated fat/sodium/etc they are? This is what people on lower incomes often rely on, and they're suffering from obesity just like the rest who have more money to spend.


As far as "living in a society where excess=success" usually in very poor areas where starvation is common, the fatter you are, the more beautiful you are considered to be.


This is going to vary from country to country. Again, why do America's poor suffer from obesity to a great extent when they have less money for food while the poor in other countries don't have the same issue? I look at it as being quality of food just as much as quantity being an issue. For example, here in the USA people will look for a cheap snack and buy a bag of Doritos for $1.99 and eat the whole thing at about 1500 calories, while my friend from Laos who I grew up with would grab a chunk of plain sticky rice if he was hungry between meals because that's what he was brought up to choose when he wanted something to snack on. Different cultures will breed different decisions on what they want to eat. But, studies have shown that when Asians come to the USA their obesity levels skyrocket - they're exposed to more processed crap food and they start making it a part of their daily diets rather than the natural options they ate in their native territories. They're not necessarily wealthy enough to stuff themselves endlessly, but their decisions to eat the same crap we do is what is hurting them physically and shortening their lifespan. We don't push healthy food here in the USA - we push cheap processed junk that's as far from nutritious as we can get. What other country finds the need to use all-processed ingredients to base major meals on and then feels it is healthy because they have to fortify all the nutrients back in because they were lost during processing in the first place?


Also I doubt that 4 billion people on this planet have access to processed things like MSG. I doubt most asians have access to it at all.


MSG can be derived naturally from sea vegetables, and what nations tend to use sea veggies the most in their daily diets? I'll leave you to figure that one out as to what culture first began using MSG in their food

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I've read from several sources that the current wave of US obesity parallels the introduction of high fructose corn sweetener and hydrogenated oils in our diets. I find that a much more plausible cause-effect, or at least contributing factor, than MSG (which fewer people are exposed to, IMO).

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I doubt most asians have access to it at all.
when i realised you were serious about that statement it kinda puts the rest of your post into context...actual lol.
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